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eat well and

Why You Should Marinate Your Meat Before You Grill

Summer is in full swing, which means you’re probably getting your outdoor grills going while you’re cooking up some of your favorite grills. We all know that grilling meat, fish or poultry depends on the marinade. You might think that the sole purpose of marinating your meat before cooking it is to enhance the flavor, […]

Healthy, Nutritious And Delicious Recipes For Your Toddler

As parents, our focus always remains that our child should eat healthily. On the contrary, children are notoriously picky eaters and getting them to eat something healthy is sometimes a difficult task. We are constantly looking for recipes that are healthy and will help increase our baby’s weight. We shouldn’t just rely on the child’s […]

17 Ways How to Start a Great Week

The second reason is that Monday is a terrible day. You just got back from this trip you spent 3 days on, you just rested and relaxed but you have to take it on again, another week. It is very important not to stay where you are just to get over the problems. The way […]

Why Should You Eat Healthy And Exercise?

It is a well-known fact that in order to achieve the desired height, we need to have a healthy diet and a regular exercise schedule. Eating healthy means we need to eliminate sugar and fat from our diet and eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables instead. We need a healthy eating habit that the […]

The 7 Best Juices For Boomer Women

As mature women with busy lives, we often find it difficult to eat right. However, research has shown that good nutrition and exercise can slow the aging process. Fruits and vegetables are some of the things we need to keep ourselves healthy on a daily basis. However, eating them is not always practical or desirable. […]

How To Improve IVF Implantation

If you’re wondering how to improve IVF implantation, there are a number of tips that can really help during this difficult but exciting time. It goes without saying that you should eat well and follow the principles of healthy eating and take all medications recommended by your doctor. But what else can you do? Although […]

Seaweed Soup – Cooking With Algae

Algae can be useful in many different situations. For example, algae are used as food for humans and livestock, and are also found in various health products and cosmetics. Seaweed is primarily consumed in Southeast Asia, particularly China, Japan, and Korea, but outside of that area, it’s growing in popularity every year. If you want […]

Goodbye Prostate!

August 2014 and I am meeting with my GP for the follow up of my annual check up. I’m pretty confident because even though I’m 68 years old, I’ve always maintained my weight, exercised, eaten right and taken my vitamins. I’ve never smoked, at least not since I retired from the Navy about 44 years […]

The Importance of a Positive Body Image

Body image can be roughly defined as the likeness of your body, but the term has a much deeper meaning. Body image is what you perceive about your body; it is your physical appearance. Overall, however, what you feel about your body may differ from what others think of you. You can have positive or […]