The 19 most frequently asked questions

Contributed by: Rachana Arya


Muscle aches and pains can affect anyone at any time in their life. It generally goes away in a few days, but unfortunately for some people this pain can become chronic and unbearable; Significantly affect quality of life and productivity.

If the pain persists despite rest, massage, and similar self-care measures, it needs further investigation to diagnose myofascial pain syndrome (MPS). It refers to persistent pain and inflammation in the soft tissues of the body. The condition affects the connective tissue that covers the muscles.

Let’s examine some common questions about this condition.

FAQ # 1: What is the prevalence of myofascial pain syndrome?

About 85% of people will experience myofascial pain at some point in their life. Despite such a high prevalence of this disease, it is often under-, misdiagnosed or even neglected. And the reason is that it is buried in other conditions like headache, neck and shoulder pain, pelvic pain, limb pain, or nerve pain syndrome.

FAQ # 2: What are the symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome?

Symptoms of MPS can include:

    • Deep, aching pain in a muscle
    • Persistent pain that gets worse over time
    • A tender knot in a muscle
    • Mood or sleep disorders
    • Muscles that are weak, stiff and have limited range of motion
    • Difficult sleeping

FAQ # 3: Where are the trigger points for myofascial pain?

In people with myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), sensitive areas are called myofascial trigger points (MTrP). the Trigger points are similar to nodules and lumps in the affected muscle and emit pain when they are tensed or stretched.

FAQ # 4: What factors influence myofascial pain syndrome?

Some of the factors that can trigger and worsen MPS include:

    • Be exposed to cold or temperature
    • Bad posture
    • smoking
    • Muscle injury
    • Repetitive movements
    • Muscle tension
    • Stress-related muscle tension
    • Bad sleep patterns
    • Stressful life situations
    • depression

FAQ # 5: Which muscles are affected by myofascial pain syndrome?

Myofascial pain can develop in any muscle in the body. However, the muscles of the cervical spine, shoulders, and upper back are most commonly affected.

FAQ # 6: How is MPS diagnosed?

There are no laboratory tests that can indicate the presence of MPS. Your doctor will be relying on you to describe your symptoms and the location where you are in pain. Based on the physical and symptomatic assessment, the presence of MPS is identified.

FAQ # 7: Does myofascial pain ever go away or is it permanent?

Myofascial pain syndrome pain is persistent, persistent pain. The pain and discomfort associated with myofascial pain syndrome increase over time and become a chronic pain condition affecting the musculoskeletal system.

FAQ # 8: What vitamin deficiencies cause myofascial pain?

Nutritional deficiencies that can cause myofascial pain to appear include:

    • vitamin C
    • Vitamin B1
    • Vitamin B12
    • Vitamin B6
    • Folic acid
    • Malic acid
    • magnesium

FAQ No. 9: Can Myofascial Pain Last For Months?

Most symptoms of myofascial pain usually go away on their own after a few weeks. However, some people develop chronic MPS that lasts for at least 6 months.

FAQ No. 10: Can Emotional Stress Cause Myofascial Pain?

Various studies suggest that stress and anxiety can trigger myofascial pain syndrome. This is likely due to the fact that stress can cause a person to contract and loosen their muscles all the time, resulting in stress from the recurring muscle tension.

FAQ # 11: Are Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia the same thing?

While myofascial pain syndrome primarily affects the muscles, fibromyalgia affects the entire body and includes symptoms such as headaches, gastrointestinal problems, fatigue, and mood swings.

FAQ # 12: What Causes Myofascial Nodes?

Muscle lumps are often caused by repetitive motion that irritates a muscle. In addition, if a muscle is in an unnatural position for an extended period of time, it can become knotted.

FAQ # 13: Is Heat Or Ice More Effective For Myofascial Pain?

Yes, both heat and ice can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Use an ice pack to minimize inflammation if the pain flares up shortly after a workout. If you have painful stiffness that lasts for a long time or if you wake up with sore muscles, try a heating pad to relieve muscle tension.

FAQ # 14: Is Movement Good For Myofascial Pain?

Exercise is often viewed as one of the most effective treatments for relieving tension and relieving symptoms of myofascial pain syndrome. Based on the available evidence, aerobic exercise is often effective in relieving the pain in the affected muscle.

FAQ # 15: Is Myofascial Pain Syndrome a Neurological Disorder?

Muscles in numerous areas of the body can be affected by myofascial pain Syndrome. With MPS there are usually no neurological impairments. However, it is believed that over time, the brains of people with fibromyalgia become more sensitive to pain signals.

FAQ # 16: Can myofascial pain cause a headache?

Localized persistent pain is often caused by myofascial pain. Myofascial trigger points in the neck area can transmit pain to the head and face and contribute to cervicogenic headaches. If diagnosed, cervical myofascial pain is a therapeutic component of headache therapy.

FAQ # 17: Can myofascial pain syndrome be cured?

Because there is no single treatment for this condition, myofascial pain syndrome requires a multi-pronged treatment plan. A combination of medications with other therapies can be effective in providing relief. Likewise, lifestyle adjustments can also help alleviate muscle stiffness and pain.

FAQ # 18: How can symptoms of myofascial pain be reduced?

    • Gentle stretching exercises
    • Improve your posture
    • massage
    • Warmth & ice packs
    • Ultrasonic
    • Relaxation techniques
    • acupuncture
    • meditation
    • yoga
    • Stay well hydrated
    • Sleep more and better

FAQ # 19: Can Ayurveda Help Treat Myofascial Pain Disorders?

Ayurveda can help treat myofascial pain through a combination of healing and preventive techniques and herbal therapeutic ingredients that include:

    • Amla
    • Shatavari
    • Gokhru
    • Giloy
    • Vidharikan
    • Pipali
    • Shunthi
    • Ashwgandha

Final thoughts

Myofascial pain syndrome can be life changing for some people. You may not be able to engage in physical activities that you previously enjoyed. This can lead to despair and social isolation as your mobility is affected by deteriorated MPS. Seeking treatment as soon as symptoms appear, joining a support group, and chatting with friends and family can be beneficial.

Pain that makes you fall? Let yourself be tested today!

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