Tips To Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes is an epidemic disease affecting more and more people nowadays. No need to panic when diagnosed with diabetes. It’s bad news. It could be devastating at first. Fortunately, diabetes is a manageable condition. By following a few simple steps, you can keep your diabetes under control and still live the healthy life you deserve. Here are some tips on how to successfully manage your diabetes:

* Know more about your diabetes – Knowing about this disease will help you do the good and avoid the bad for this condition.

* Planning a Healthy Diet – A healthy and balanced diet plan plays an important role in controlling your diabetes. This will make you feel better and help reduce the chance of serious complications. Eating a balanced healthy diet with a variety of foods from each group of grains, vegetables and fruits, dairy and meat, and alternatives will keep your blood sugar levels at normal levels. Choose low-fat foods and foods with a lower glycemic index. Avoid high-fat foods and foods with a high glycemic index.

* Keep your weight in a healthy range, lose extra pounds if you are overweight, especially if you have type 2 diabetes – A normal and healthy weight helps your body use its insulin properly and keep your blood sugar levels on a normal level to keep level. Try to keep your body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 – 24.9. You can calculate your BMI using the following formula:

English formula

BMI = weight in pounds/(height in inches x height in inches) x 703

Metric formula

BMI= weight in kilograms/ (height in meters x height in meters)

* Trying to be physically active – 20-30 minutes of exercise daily is very helpful. Exercise can improve insulin sensitivity, lower your risk of heart disease, and shed some extra pounds to keep your weight at normal levels. However, some diabetic complications will likely make some types of exercise programs unsuitable for you. High-impact activities like weightlifting, jogging, or aerobics can be a little risky for people with diabetic retinopathy due to the risk of further blood vessel damage and possible retinal detachment. Consult your doctor before starting. Make an action plan. Start slowly and gently. Gradually work your way up.

* Taking medication and/or insulin (if applicable) as prescribed by your doctor

* Monitoring how your diet and/or treatment (if applicable) is affecting your blood glucose levels – using a blood glucose meter to monitor your blood glucose levels to see if they are being affected by your diet plan and/or treatment. Keep a journal of your blood glucose levels and check them to see if there are any noticeable patterns

Start following these simple tips today and get your diabetes under control. You too can live the healthy life you deserve.

Thanks to Forest Sun

diabeteshealthy diet alternativesManageTips
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