Weight Loss For Teens – 5 Tips to Help Teens to Lose Weight

Weight loss can be challenging for anyone, especially during the teenage years because of all the hormonal changes. However, these years are an ideal time to build lifelong healthy eating habits. You can help your teen lose weight.

Here’s how.

1. Downplay teen weight loss to promote healthy living. Instead of nagging your teen to exercise more or avoid junk food, encourage healthy interests. Luckily, there are many active video games and other activities that are trending among teenagers right now.

They are also very interested in vegetarianism and other alternative eating styles these days. It should be very easy to get your teen interested in her. Who knows, these trends could soon permeate the rest of your family.

2. Educate your teen about the dangers of fad diets and weight loss pills.

Teens live in the present moment and as such, teenage weight loss is a constant struggle against the quick fix. Explain to your teen that many weight loss pills and potions can be potentially harmful, especially if not taken according to directions.

Explain that these products can also be very expensive and the weight often comes right back when people stop using them. Also explain the very real health dangers of dieting.

3. Make teen weight loss a family affair. Get the junk food out of the house and only have healthy snacks on hand. Take time for a bike ride or a walk with the family.

Have the entire household work together to clean the house or work in the garden. These group activities encourage teamwork and family pride. They are also great for one-on-one conversations. You will find your teen opening up to you in a way he or she has never done before.

4. Avoid celebrity weight loss stories. Young people are to a large extent a product of the culture in which we live. Unfortunately, ultra-thin celebrities take center stage in this culture.

Losing weight for teens often means trying to match that look when their bodies just aren’t made the same way. Explain that while celebrities often need to be thinner than the general public (because photography seems to add pounds), they are not necessarily healthier or happier.

5. Bring out your teen’s inner beauty.

Weight for teenagers is often a matter of self-esteem and self-image. Encourage him or her to emphasize the best qualities and less emphasis on other areas. Take her to a local day spa for a subtle makeover. Take him to an all-male hair salon or clothing store and get tips from the staff there. Make a day of it and have fun. Your teen will be able to see themselves in a whole new light, and so will you.

Weight loss for teenagers is an important topic, probably the one they focus on the most. By emphasizing their positive qualities and encouraging healthy habits, you can help your teen be attractive and happy now and into adulthood.

Thanks to Julia Denham

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