What is health • Healthy helper

It’s what we all strive for and prioritize in order to live long, happy lives, but what is health really? A discussion of the components of this multi-layered concept.

He who has health has hope, and whoever has hope has everything.

Health is more than just a good or bad feeling, an aesthetic appearance or numbers on a medical sheet. Health is the all-encompassing state of well-being that we can achieve as individuals.

Unfortunately, health has been misunderstood in our society, misrepresented in the media and used as a synonym for things like thinness or physical strength.

In reality, true health is the intersection of ours physically, mentally, emotionally, Social, and spiritually State of being at any point in time.

Today I am going to share with you details on the 4 areas that define health and my interpretation of them.

What is health

Health is the most important aspect of our existence. It influences us every moment of the day, can change immediately or over time and is the most important determinant for the course of our lives.

But what is it Yes, really?

Health is defined by wellness in the following areas …

Physical health

Physical health is the state in which your body structures and systems are at any given point in time. It encompasses what you feel and what you feel. When your physical health is not in homeostasis, signs and symptoms appear internally and externally. This can include pain, headache, rashes, or anything that is physically manifest on or in your body.

Mental and Emotional Health

Mental health relates to the state of your mind and your ability to balance your emotions. It includes how you react to daily stress, the life situations you encounter and how confident you are. Poor mental and emotional health is harder to spot and more controversial than physical health. People may be aware of their poor mental health but are unwilling to do anything to correct or cure it. However, mental health problems are not a cause to be ashamed and are just as critical as physical health problems. Seeking advice, pharmaceutical help, or daily self-care is not something to be ashamed of.

Social health

As humans, we live from connections to others. We are a global community and we need daily interactions to feel fulfilled and live happily. Social health encompasses the quality and types of relationships you have with the people in your life. Family, friends, mentors, colleagues, classmates. They are all important and affect your social health in some way. Social health is also a measure of how well you get on with others. This measures your tolerance and openness towards people who are different from you or who live differently. The ability to build and maintain friendships is so important. These types of relationships add value to your life and help create your overall social support network. Man (or woman!) Cannot thrive in isolation. We need emotional and physical support to be whole.

Spiritual health

While spiritual health can have something to do with a person’s religiosity, it is not a need to be part of a religious community. Spiritual health has more to do with your morals and values, and how they affect the direction of your life. It’s about being able to distinguish right from wrong and questioning the meaning of our existence.

No area is more important than the other. In fact, everyone’s levels are in flux for the most part. It is possible that some areas may be fine while suffering occurs in others. The key to overall health is the old cliché … BALANCE. Not a simple concept or practice. But the more we focus on working towards homeostasis in the four areas above, the healthier and happier we will be.

And just like my slogan suggests Bless you and happiness are inextricably linked.

How would you rate your general health?

At this moment, are each of your four health areas at their optimal level?

What could you do to empower those in need of improvement?

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49 responses to “What is health?”

  1. YES INDEED! I love it! I feel like too many people think of a certain aspect when they think of “health” or “healthy” – but you can have the greatest diet in the world but be completely depressed or fit as a violin and constantly on top of it Be nervous and anxious about running or eating a lot less than necessary. We absolutely have to look at the bigger picture!

  2. I absolutely love this because it implies that we are more than just a body. We are one person, soul, body, spirit and soul and I am so grateful that God created us in such amazing ways. I wouldn’t say that I’m perfect in any area, but God is working on me every day. I am often humiliated by my weaknesses and so amazed at His grace and patience. <3 <3 I am so grateful that you received each section!

  3. […] // What does it mean to be healthy? […]

  4. I totally agree with your definition of general health. I’ve spent some time this week focusing on self-care and the importance of taking care of ourselves so that we are better able to function and care for others. Health is not just about exercise and eating right. I feel good about my general health at this point in my life. The main area that I need to keep in check is the mindset and healthy thinking of and about myself.

  5. Apart from my stomach / intestinal problems = I am super healthy! LOL! I feel great, I have a lot of energy and I am happy – HAPPINESS = the fundamental factor in being healthy!

  6. LOVE this Kaila !! I think my 4 health categories are pretty balanced overall, but usually my mental health is the first to wear off during times of stress or anxiety. Work on improving this by being mindful and living in the present moment. 🙂

  7. since i’m on vacation … i’m relaxed but my physical health is suffering but mentally i’m super healthy … i’m with you to find the balance 🙂

  8. I love this quote! I’ve never heard of it. This is how I imagine health to be. And sometimes it can seem like there is so much to juggle! In my current situation, my social health is the one that needs the most work at the moment. I tend to put this last, even though I know it can make so much of a difference to my overall happiness.

  9. I think social health is the most important thing right now. With everything digital, people often forget what is important.

  10. Nice contribution and nice memory! Happiness is so important to your health! Love the quote! 🙂 🙂

  11. What a perfectly balanced contribution! At the moment I feel like I’m physically fine, but mentally it has been a constant struggle for me from an early age. I recently removed sugar from my diet and I have found it affected my mental health (something I wasn’t expecting), but I think I need to do more. Thanks for the reminder! #waywow

  12. Yes indeed! I totally agree with you. In my Institute for Integrative Nutrition Studies, we learn all about an integrative approach to coaching clients towards a healthier lifestyle. It’s not just about eating and exercise, it’s about looking at the whole person through the categories you’ve described!

  13. Excellent discussion. I’ve been thinking about this question myself lately. The word “health” is used everywhere these days, but it is seldom defined. The definition seems to depend on who is using it. I think it is being abused and overused. Dr. Michael Accad calls it “The Most Annoying Question In Healthcare” (Blog – Alert and Oriented) and I agree. Thank you for tackling a difficult question. #Wonderful Wednesday

  14. That is fine.
    God made us whole, with body, soul and spirit. Neglecting part of our health clearly affects the whole!

  15. Yes indeed! I really love that. So often, our mental and physical health can affect each other. So, even if you eat and exercise super cleanly all the time, your mental health can affect your physical health as well. Thank you for sharing !

  16. This is a great discussion on overall health. Thank you for sharing on My Flagstaff Home.


  17. Hello Kaila,
    Excellent article. I love your explanations on every aspect of health. I believe it is so important to have balance in all aspects of our health, otherwise we are not really healthy. Thanks for sharing to Real Food Fridays. Pinned & tweeted!

  18. I am healthier than ever, body, mind and spirit. I started meditating to strengthen the mental / emotional and the spiritual. Everything you talk about speaks for the concept of Jill Conyers | Fitness health & happiness. As I said, inextricably linked. All areas.

    Have a nice weekend!

  19. Kaila, love this post! As we walk down the mental health path, I find that many problems are caused by genetics, which can be solved by giving the body what it needs. We as a nation have tried to cut off our bodies to treat health and mental health separately, but our bodies are made to work together. To have the best of health, we need to make sure that we treat everything as one!

  20. Thank you for joining us at TOHOT!

  21. Yes, being healthy encompasses several aspects of life. My physical health is probably at optimal levels (it should be 4 hours digging in the garden yesterday, LOL) while mental health is subpar.

  22. I struggle every day to find a balance. As a mother, I find myself doing things for everyone else all the time. It’s so important to make time every day for something you enjoy.

  23. […] Kaila from Healthy Helper – What is Health? […]

  24. Thank you for sharing this at Savoring Saturdays, Kaila!

  25. Great article Kaila! I really wish it hadn’t taken me so long to discover the importance of diet to overall health and wellbeing.
    Thank you for sharing this on Healthy Vegan Fridays – I’ll pin and share!

  26. I love this holistic approach! Physical health is certainly important, but it is only one area of ​​health. In addition, they are all connected and mutually influencing each other. Nice to see people talking about it!

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Reference: healthyhelperkaila.com


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