5 Ways To Relieve Menopausal Anxiety
5 Ways To Relieve Menopausal Anxiety

5 Ways To Relieve Menopausal Anxiety

Anxiety is one of the many symptoms that can occur during menopause. Rosie Millen, nutritionist and spokesperson for Organic cult, shows 5 ways to reduce anxiety during menopause

During menopause, anxiety, along with the other symptoms, can be one of the biggest side effects that disrupt your everyday life.

Stress from changes in menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes or mood swings can also increase anxiety.

Fear can affect your mood, the way you interact with other people, and the quality of your sleep

Since estrogen levels drop during menopause, leading to a variety of health changes, estrogen deficiency also plays an important role in causing anxiety, as the stress caused by hormonal imbalance can often lead to anxiety.

Anxiety can affect your mood, the way you interact with other people, and the quality of your sleep. Hence, it is important to reduce the feeling so that you can live a more normal life.

If you feel nervous or worried a lot throughout the day, it is possible that you are experiencing anxiety.

These five tips can help combat this anxious feeling and lift your mood during menopause …

# 1 exercise, exercise, exercise

My top tip for reducing anxiety is exercise, which is of the utmost importance to our overall mental health.

It increases the endorphins we produce, which are natural mood enhancers like dopamine, the pleasure hormone.

Exercise also significantly lowers the level of depression and is one of the BEST ways to reduce anxiety as it literally distracts you from what you are worried about.

Exercise also significantly lowers the level of depression

Even simple, little exercises every day, like yoga, can make you feel better and lower your muscle tension, which in turn reduces your anxiety.

Exercising regularly can also build better resistance to anxiety, and enjoying your exercise outdoors can also help reduce your stress levels and anxiety.

Exercise against menopause and anxiety

# 2 Limit your caffeine intake

Caffeine increases blood cortisol levels and increases heart rate and blood pressure, making anxiety symptoms worse.

If you’re already feeling anxious, caffeine can increase blood flow to the brain and also increase menopausal symptoms. Drinks that may contain added caffeine.

Caffeine can increase blood flow to the brain and also exacerbate menopausal symptoms

Drinking coffee after 2 p.m. or 6 hours before going to sleep can inhibit the release of melatonin and make you restless in bed.

Melatonin is responsible for managing your natural sleep pattern, so swap coffee for chamomile tea after this time as it’s much more calming!

Cope with menopausal anxiety and limit coffee consumption

# 3 Eat protein for breakfast

High protein foods like eggs, salmon, turkey, etc. contain an amino acid called tryptophan that is converted into serotonin, which maintains and improves your mood and anxiety.

Starting the day with protein also helps stabilize blood sugar levels and improve energy levels, which stimulates you to keep moving.

Protein will also help stabilize blood sugar levels and improve energy levels

Eating packaged protein meals and snacks throughout the day can help you avoid highly processed sugary foods, which can trigger an increase in anxiety and depression.

# 4 Take probiotics

The gut produces many of the neurotransmitters in our body and that’s because of the trillions of microbes that live there.

Much of the serotonin is produced in the gut thanks to the microbiome, so taking probiotics will literally help your body produce the happiness hormone!

Live bacteria have been shown to reduce circulating stress hormones, so a product like Bio-Kult brightening, £ 19.94 is a great option.

Much of the serotonin is produced in the intestine

In addition, Bio-Kult Brighten combats anxiety and bad mood thanks to the extra vitamins (including vitamins B6, B12 and vitamin D) and minerals specially selected for their role in mood regulation mechanisms.

Treat menopausal anxiety with probiotics bio cult

# 5 Take the time to self-care and relax

By lying down and focusing on your punch, you can keep your anxiety in check. Exhaling slowly for just 5 seconds actually lowers the levels of cortisol in the blood.

Getting out in nature and doing things that relax you (I call it green time) can instantly put your fears in perspective.

Whether you enjoy walking in the park or sitting in the garden, feeling the fresh air and consuming 20 minutes of vitamin D a day is good for everyone’s wellbeing.

Make sure to write it down in the journal or it won’t get done. You can create a daily self-care routine to calm the mind.

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Thank You For Reading!

Reference: www.healthista.com


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