from Richard Bloomer, University of Memphis
I am a fitness enthusiast. I also stick to a nutrient-rich, “clean” diet, which means I minimize my sugar consumption and eat a lot of whole foods to optimize my health.
You may be wondering how effective such a diet and exercise plan would be in fighting COVID-19, as some do have suggested – without supporting evidence – that vaccination may be unnecessary if a detailed wellness lifestyle is closely followed.
As a Research scientist who has been studying nutrition for almost 20 years, I have watched with great interest the response of the wellness community to the COVID-19 vaccines. When eating right, it can have a positive effect on the immune system, it is not reasonable to expect diet alone to ward off a potentially life-threatening virus.
My experience in nutritional science
My laboratory group on University of Memphis studies the effects of food and isolated nutrients on human health. In January 2009, we conducted an initial study on a strict vegan diet. We accepted 43 men and women who were allowed to eat as much vegetable food as they wanted but only drank water for 21 days.
The results showed improvements in many variables related to cardiometabolic health, such as blood cholesterol, blood pressure, insulin, and C-reactive protein – a protein that increases in response to inflammation. We have since completed several studies on human and animal nutrition with this nutrition program.
My lab’s research has resulted in approximately 200 peer-reviewed scientific manuscripts and book chapters that specifically target Nutrients and exercise, and the interaction between these two variables. The results of our work and those of other scientists clearly demonstrate the power of food to have a positive effect on health.
For many people, a positive change in eating habits leads to an improvement in clinically relevant measures such as Blood cholesterol and glucose that doctors can sometimes reduce or eliminate certain drugs used to treat high cholesterol and diabetes. In other cases, these measures improve, but the patient still needs medication to control their disease. This tells us that in some situations, a good nutritional program just isn’t enough to meet the body’s challenges.
Diet and other wellness approaches are important
Though sure natural products When treatment options for COVID-19 were discussed, little importance was attached to whole foods as a protective measure. I find this regrettable, and I believe that strengthening our immune systems with the aim of fighting COVID-19 and other viral infections is of great importance. And the Evidence tells us the A nutrient-rich diet, regular exercise and adequate sleep can all contribute to an optimal immune function.
With regard to food intake, a recently published study Taking a sample of health care workers infected with COVID-19, it was found that those who followed a plant-based or pescatarian diet had a 73% diet, respectively. While interesting, it is important to remember that these results represent an association rather than a causal effect.
While diets can help people strengthen their immune systems against COVID-19, diet is just one important aspect. miscellaneous Variables are important also very much, including Dealing with stress, Food supplements and Physical distancing and wearing a mask.
But to be clear, all of these elements should be viewed as tools in the toolbox to fight COVID-19 – not as replacements for potentially life-saving vaccines.
Vaccines aren’t perfect, but they save lives
I find it interesting that almost all parents understand the importance of having their children vaccinated against serious diseases like mumps, measles, and varicella. They don’t expect certain foods or a nourishing environment to do the job of a vaccine.
However, when it comes to COVID-19, that thought process is abandoned by some who believe that a healthy lifestyle can replace the vaccine without seriously thinking about it What the vaccine actually does to provide protection against the virus – something that a healthy lifestyle cannot achieve on its own.
When considering whether to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, keep the following in mind: All drugs have risks, including things like seemingly benign like aspirin. Hormonal contraception – something used by millions of women each month – is believed to cause an estimated 300-400 deaths annually in the US. The same goes for cosmetic surgery, Botox injections and other electoral processes.
In these cases, many people are willing to accept the low risks, but not those involved the COVID-19 vaccines – despite the fact that the risk of severe complications or death from COVID-19 outweighs the low risk by far Side effects of the vaccines.
No lifestyle approach, including strict adherence to a holistic, nutrient-rich diet – vegan, plant-based, or otherwise – will provide complete protection against COVID-19. The vaccines are not perfect either; Breakthrough infections occur in some cases despite the vaccines continue to offer robust protection against serious illness and death.
I encourage people to do everything in their power to naturally improve the health and functioning of their immune systems. Then seriously consider what additional protection a vaccination against COVID-19 offers. When people make decisions based on the latest science – which is constantly evolving – rather than emotions and misinformation, the decision should become much clearer.
Richard Bloomer, Dean of the University of Health Sciences, University of Memphis
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