Shift work often requires eating at night, a time when the stomach and digestive system are normally at rest. Shift workers are very prone to stomach and digestive problems due to irregular eating habits. 30-45% of shift workers report chronic digestive problems due to the type of food eaten at work and before bed. Eating a large meal, especially one with fatty, spicy, or high-protein foods, can lead to sluggishness at work.
Eating well when your schedule is so backward can be difficult. It’s important to adjust your eating routine to fit your schedule. Here are some important diet tips to follow:
- Don’t skip meals
- Take a healthy meal to work. Vending choices are often high in fat, sodium, and simple carbohydrates, making them far from ideal.
- Avoid eating a large meal at the end of your shift. You could have digestive problems and sleep could be disturbed. Eat larger meals when you are most active and need more calories.
- Drink plenty of water during your shift. This will help maintain your energy levels and prevent cravings.
- Choose foods high in fiber and lean protein. These foods keep you full for longer. Foods high in sugar and simple carbohydrates can give you a quick boost of energy, but they won’t support you.
Plan your meals and activities to fit your “day.”
Regardless of your work hours, create a regular meal plan. Try to eat three meals a day, evenly spaced. Be consistent when sticking to a schedule.
Try to schedule at least one meal a day with your family.
Avoid caffeinated foods and drinks within four hours of bedtime. If you drink coffee, choose decaffeinated.
meal suggestions
Eating in the evening and night hours requires special consideration. The daily rhythm of our digestive tract is not “adjusted” to digestion at night. However, that doesn’t mean you should skip eating when following these schedules. Plan balanced meals for your shifts, no matter what your schedule is.
Protein – Your first meal after sleeping should contain protein. Heavier proteins should be used sparingly and eaten a few hours before work or before bed. Heavy proteins take longer to digest, so it’s best to choose from lighter protein sources right before and during work. Avoid frying while preparing meals. Here are examples of different proteins.
Heavy proteins – beef, pork, tuberous meats, eggs with yolks, high-fat cheese
Light proteins – chicken, turkey, fish, egg whites, low-fat dairy, legumes (beans, peas, and lentils)
Afternoon and evening work
Breakfast (approx. 8-10am)- Regardless of what time you get up, breakfast is important. Eat soon after waking up. This will help kickstart your metabolism and signal the start of your “day”. Recommendations: protein, whole grain breads or high-fiber cereals, low-fat dairy products, fresh fruit.
Main Meal (approx. 1-2pm) – Light protein, some fat (preferably vegetable, 15-20 grams), complex carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruit, whole wheat pasta or bread, rice, potatoes. caffeine ok
Working lunch break (7-8pm) – Choose easily digestible foods. Poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and high-fiver cereals are good choices. Reduce your intake of high-fat or spicy foods. Keep this meal light and small. No caffeine.
Night Work – Follow the same suggestions as for afternoon and evening work, just change the times of meals eaten. Working nights requires eating lighter, easily digestible foods. The same applies here: avoid fats and spicy foods at work.
Breakfast (approx. 5-7pm) – This is time for the traditional “dinner” type foods if you want them. If you plan on going back to sleep before work, make this meal smaller and lighter. Eat protein, fats (preferably vegetable, 15-20 grams), complex carbohydrates, and low-fat dairy.
Working Lunch Break – Follow the suggestions for afternoon and evening working lunch breaks. No caffeine during the second half of the shift.
Snack Supplements (before or after work)
Fruits, vegetables with low-fat dip, high-fiber cereals, pretzels, granola bars, dried fruit, low-fat dairy, low-fat popcorn, nuts or seeds, high-fiber crackers
Additional Suggestions
If you sleep shortly after work, keep bedtime snacks small and light. If you sleep later, the meal can be larger but not heavier.
Avoid drinking alcohol just before bedtime, it can disturb the sleep pattern.
Have a sleep ritual. Go to bed as soon as possible after work. Avoid getting bogged down in chores or errands. Sleep deprivation can lead to food cravings.
Exercise increases alertness and ensures better daytime sleep. If you have a break where you can be active for a few minutes, use it! Avoid exercise right before bed.
Thanks to Shana M Hussin