GIA Wellness is the next MLM Home Based Business to join the Network Marketing market. With Alfred Hanser, CEO, Lynda Cormier, President, and Gary Merritt, VP of Operations leading the business, they have a strong team at their disposal to get them off the ground. As they have a small background in some other entrepreneurial ventures their mindsets are in the right field to come together to start a business.
GIA Wellness has a wide range of different products. Of course, any company that wants to jump on the MLM bandwagon has to have a health and wellness product, and they’ve decided to call their multivitamin pill “Edge.” Their claim is that “Edge” helps the body recover from physical stress and exercise, much like the substance creatine. They also market EMF shields for your cell phones and headsets to protect you from radiation waves emitted by the technology. Very interesting, we’ll see how it goes. They also have many other products that don’t roll off the tongue as easily.
The home based business aspect didn’t seem to be marketed very well on the website or anything I could find on GIA Wellness in general. I think we need to watch now and see how they start to build their brand and see if they can hit that 5 year mark that only 3% of network marketing companies can hit. A little hint for GIA Wellness: Develop a system for your distributors/agents to follow. Do you have a leader who has already been successful in this area? People follow successful leaders. If they can get someone with experience in the industry to represent them, they will be on the road to success, if not, they may struggle to achieve the status that companies like MonaVie or Amway have been able to achieve.
One interesting thing I’ve found about the startup companies is that they don’t implement a strong team and system for their sales reps to follow. If they could market that they have that, they would have people signing up left and right, but that’s what they’re missing. Just because a company gets a lot of attention on its website doesn’t mean it has the proper training it needs to educate those who make the company what it is. Maybe GIA Wellness has this on the back burner and is about to push it forward, we hope so!
Thanks to Kyle Nelson