Reclaiming the Body – The Foundation of Health Touch Through Massage Therapy

In the state of trauma, the body protects itself in order to survive. This survival instinct is part of human evolution and adaptation, whether or not the response is due to a physical threat. With nerve fibers responding with sensations and the brain to release chemicals to prepare our body for the physical challenges, we have, within normal limits, the tactics to respond to stress, trauma, or any other perceived threat. Repeated conditioning without enough processing time for recovery, or for prolonged periods, can develop patterns that become ingrained in the mind and body. These patterns easily kick in and often trigger the event or events that created the original trauma. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a common diagnosis related to this condition. Developing coping mechanisms is one way to adapt to trauma.

Isolation, guilt, blame, fear, anxiety, and resentment can be some of the emotional conditions of coping. Emotions are often internalized, which leads to repression, depression and tension in the body. Other physical symptoms and/or disorders often manifest as well. Other forms of coping may take place, forming addictions, attachments, breakups, boundary issues, etc.

Healthy touch strengthens healthy boundaries, especially when it comes to physical and sexual abuse. Oftentimes trauma as another coping mechanism can cause one to move away from feeling and being in one’s body. Healthy touch reclaims the body and sends positive messages of self-acceptance, embodiment, security, trust, openness, healthy vulnerability and self-love.

Thanks to Andrew Wolfe


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