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blog about health

A Model for Advancing Policy in Cultural Competency and Health Disparity

As the US emerges from a long recession, managing rising healthcare costs remains an ongoing concern. The Affordable Health Act will eventually ensure the availability of health insurance coverage for over 30 million more Americans. This landmark legislation will increase access to a previously uninsured or underinsured group of Americans. Health and health inequalities are […]

The Bone Health Revolution Book Review

The bone health revolution by Vivian Goldschmidt Recently my good friend Chris called to say that her mother’s most recent bone scan had revealed quite a bit of bone loss since her last test and the doctor wanted to put her on osteoporosis medication. This made Chris uncomfortable and she called to ask what I […]

Good Vices That Benefit Our Health

VICE #1: Sleep in. It’s free, natural and has no downsides. Getting enough good sleep not only gives you energy, but also boosts your immune system, your memory, and can even help you control your weight. Lack of sleep has been linked to high blood pressure, glucose intolerance and belly fat, all known risk factors […]

Where To Find Help With Medical Bills

Today’s era has brought us technological advances that extend our lifespans and make life easier even with debilitating diseases. However, these medical treatments also come with high medical bills. In fact, most people hesitate to go to the hospital in hopes that they won’t have to pay the hospital bills that come with seeking medical […]

What is the Gensona Heart Health Genetic Test?

Over the past decade, studies in both men and women have shown that inflammation is a major risk factor for heart disease, perhaps as important as unhealthy cholesterol levels. Recent scientific discoveries suggest that part of the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, is due to variations in the genes we inherit. Just as […]

Using Bankruptcy Medical Bills To Your Advantage

Nowadays, medical treatments are five times more expensive than they used to be, even if you get them in the less expensive and less popular hospitals. Although people, especially those who do not have health insurance, avoid visiting hospitals as much as possible, there are circumstances that still lead them to the hospital doors. If […]

American Health Care Trends: Old, Fat and Lazy

The most recent AMA Executive Summary, “Health in the United States: Health Care Trends,” contains both a little hope and a lot of gloom. population trends By 2050, the population over 65 will double from today to 83.7 million. This means that the prevalence of chronic diseases will increase dramatically. Since 1990, smoking has fallen […]