Type 2 Diabetes – Should You Use a Ketogenic Diet Plan?

As someone working hard to control or prevent type 2 diabetes, one diet you may have heard of is the ketogenic or ketogenic diet plan. This diet is a very low carb diet plan consisting of approx.

  • 5% total carbohydrates,

  • 30% protein and a

  • a whopping 65% dietary fat.

If there’s one thing this diet does, it helps control your blood sugar levels. However, there is more to good nutrition than just controlling your blood sugar.

Let’s go through some of the top reasons why this diet isn’t always as good as it sounds…

1. You will lack fiber. The first major problem with the ketogenic diet is that you are seriously lacking in fiber. Almost all vegetables are eliminated from this plan (aside from the very low-carb varieties), and fruit is definitely not allowed. High-fiber grains are also out of the question, leaving you mostly with protein and fats — two foods that contain no fiber at all.

Do this diet and you’ll find yourself feeling empowered in no time.

2. You will have low energy. Another major problem with the ketogenic diet is that you have little energy to complete your exercise program. Your body can only use glucose as an energy source during very intense exercise, and if you don’t eat carbohydrates, you won’t have any glucose available.

Therefore, the ketogenic diet is not for everyone who wants to lead an active lifestyle with regular workouts.

3. You can suffer brain fog. Those who follow the ketogenic diet may also find that they suffer from brain fog. Again, this is thanks to the fact that your brain primarily uses glucose.

Some people will find that they feel better after a week or two of using the diet as their brain can switch to using ketone bodies for energy, but others may never find that they feel better.

All in all, this diet just doesn’t work for some people for this very reason.

4. Your antioxidant status will decrease. Finally, the final problem with the ketogenic diet is the lack of fruits and vegetables — your antioxidant status will plummet.

Antioxidants are important for fighting off free radical damage, so don’t take this lightly. If you don’t pick them up, you could get sick in the future.

So keep these points in mind as the diet comes with some risks. The ketogenic diet converts fat into energy instead of sugar. It was originally developed to treat epilepsy, but now the effects of the diet are being studied to help type 2 diabetics lower their blood sugar. Be sure to discuss diet with your doctor before making any dietary changes.

Thanks to Beverleigh H Piepers

diabetesdietKetogenicPlanthe eating well dietType