The Paleo diet includes foods that are rich in nutrients and free from added chemicals, preservatives, and other additives that can harm the body. Paleo foods on the Paleo Diet provide a healthy, balanced energy supply for optimal health; Cavemen knew it centuries ago, and doctors recommend similar foods for weight loss and controlling other health issues like high blood pressure and low energy issues.
The dangers of processed foods
Processed foods like bread, cereal, candy, and other packaged goods contain sugar and additives that interfere with the body’s natural processes. Specifically, when processed foods are added to a person’s diet, the way food is converted into energy is disrupted. This disruption disrupts the breakdown of stored fat, leading to weight gain.
The body cannot break down fat and turn it into energy when it is overloaded with sugar and processed foods. And that overload can lead to more than just weight gain; High blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes are possible side effects of a diet high in processed foods. Eating Paleo foods and using Paleo recipes for meals eliminates these health risks. You can make small and simple changes to your diet today by following my link at the end and using a good paleo book.
The Paleo Diet
A Paleo food list includes the most natural foods available today: seeds, fish, meat, fruits, eggs, and vegetables. This combination ensures that the body is getting the nutrients it needs on a daily basis.
Benefits of the Paleo Diet
The Paleo diet begins breaking down excess fat immediately. As natural foods replace processed foods that lead to weight gain, increased blood pressure, and decreased energy, the body begins to break down its stores of fat for energy. This leads to weight loss, regulated blood pressure and increased energy.
weight control
Eating a natural diet free of processed foods allows the body to heal itself from the start. If you don’t know where to start I encourage you to try the new paleo book, new cookbook recipes via the link below. Once these foods are eliminated from the diet, the cleansing process begins. Sugar no longer interferes with metabolism and the breakdown of stored fat. Hunger decreases significantly as the carbohydrates in the system no longer tempt the body into false cravings. Losing weight begins!
blood pressure
A diet low in sugar and processed foods is usually high in protein, like the recipes you’ll find in the new Paleo book. An article on “Protein Intake and Blood Pressure Lowering” found that diets containing higher levels of protein lowered blood pressure. This supports that the Paleo diet is good for lowering high blood pressure in addition to weight loss!
When a body is fueled with natural sources of energy, it can operate at peak efficiency because processed, unnatural foods and additives are no longer interfering with organ processes. The Paleo diet provides physical results that also lead to better mental processes. This is not only due to the physical changes a person witnesses on this diet, but also the release of sugar and toxins from the body that disrupt clear, clear mental processes. When the body feels comfortable on the Paleo diet, the mind is sure to follow. Weight loss, regulated blood pressure and increased energy: three important health benefits resulting from paleo food choices.
Additional Benefits
In addition to these benefits, the Paleo diet regulates blood sugar levels. It also cleanses the system of toxins and other harmful elements that can lead to illness and disease. It is a lifestyle change that brings many rewards and helps individuals to look and feel their personal best.
Thanks to Julien A Braida