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10 Healthy Snacks For Weight Loss and Wellness

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Contrary to popular belief, snacking is actually very beneficial. It helps fuel your body, maintain blood sugar and energy levels, and control your appetite.

Healthy snacks help your body get the nutrients it needs and help you avoid overeating.

Treat yourself to these guilt-free snacks. Remember, we promote an anti-inflammatory, low-glycemic, paleo-style diet for weight loss and wellness. A body must become healthy before it can lose weight.

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1. Fruit Yoghurt Parfait. Organic plain yogurt is best. Yoghurts with added flavors have a higher sugar content. Flavor your yogurt with fruit instead. Blueberries are an excellent choice as they have a lower glycemic content that helps balance blood sugar and insulin levels.

2. Romaine lettuce wrap with organic turkey and a slice of raw milk or low-fat mozzarella cheese.

Romaine lettuce contains the highest nutrient and fiber content of any lettuce. Turkey is 94% protein, which helps you lose weight by boosting your metabolism and reducing hunger. Adding pasture-raised raw milk cheese not only adds flavor but also calcium without any harmful hormones or preservatives. A great source for grass-fed venison, venison and poultry is US Wellness Meats.

3. Vegetable sticks with cottage cheese dip. Non-starchy vegetables contain nearly eight times the fiber found in whole grains. Fiber is essential for a healthy digestive system. Fat-free organic cottage cheese is an excellent low-calorie snack.

4. Shrimp Cocktail Shrimp are 90% protein. Try dipping it in a cocktail sauce for a low-calorie, high-protein snack.

5. A handful of nuts. Walnuts are the best choice as they are high in protein and fiber but also contain a high dose of omega-3 fatty acids (good fats) compared to other nuts. Healthy fats help reduce the risk of disease. Omega-3 fatty acids have an anti-inflammatory effect, which means they help prevent inflammatory diseases such as stroke or heart disease. People who are overweight are actually suffering from an inflammatory disease.

6. Celery sticks and almond butter. This is a great combination of protein, monounsaturated fat, and energy. Almond butter is a healthier alternative to peanut butter because it has no added ingredients or preservatives and better fats. (Peanuts are legumes, not nuts)

7. Deviled Eggs. Eggs are very high in protein, which makes them a great snack. My Guacamole Deviled Eggs are a great high-protein, healthy snack packed with good fats.

8. Herring wraps. Buy a few tins in sauces with different flavors like tomato or spicy mustard, herring fillets are rich in omega-3 fish oils. Not, but if they’re in soybean oil. Try wrapping them in a few leaves of romaine lettuce.

9. Banana Nut Pop. Dip a banana in plain yogurt and roll in walnuts or coconut. Freeze. Delicious!

Bananas are a great source of fiber and potassium. They are high in sugar, so eat in moderation. Coconuts have antimicrobial, antiviral and antibacterial properties and are one of the best sources of MCFA (medium chain triglyceride fatty acids) in the world.

10. Lemon Tuna Avocado Snack. Halve an avocado and scoop out the flesh. Mix with lemon juice and tuna. Serve in the mussels. Good protein, good fat.

Avocados are high in monounsaturated fat and potassium. Tuna is a great source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids and is very nutritious. Protein builds muscle, which in turn burns more calories to help you lose weight.

And here’s your BONUS snack idea…

***Smoked salmon.

Don’t get salmon that’s been smothered in brown sugar. Salmon is one of the best sources of protein and healthy fats in the world. Always try to buy wild caught and non farmed (fed) grains.

Thanks to Ron Spallone D.C.

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