3 Factors to a Healthy Body

This article is an introduction to a series of articles about effective ways to lose excess weight and maintain a healthy body.

The 3 main themes are:

o Healthy diet

o Exercise and other related activities

o Well-rested body

Eating a healthy diet is all about consuming the right foods in the right amounts at the right time of the day. This means that at any time of the day there are foods that can make you fat or give you less nutritional value. Eating habits also fall into this category. Bad eating habits consist of not eating on time. This can cause certain diseases. The most common disease resulting from this bad eating habit is ulcer.

Exercise and other related activities are required by the body to regulate and maintain the full functioning of our muscles and joints. Atrophy will result if we don’t use them. However, this condition rarely occurs with us because we move regularly. This only happens to coma patients or people who haven’t moved for a long time. Our goal in training is not to prevent atrophy, but to keep our bodies in peak condition. Two people of the same weight may not have the same strength. Think of a 200-pound couch potato whose body is 80% fat, and then a 200-pound wrestler whose body is 80% well-developed muscle. what do you think is stronger

A well-rested body is very important. Doing energy-sapping exercises without a break would only harm the body. The goal of having a physically fit body would not be achieved. In fact, it would go against the idea of ​​making us sane. Fatigue, sore muscles and weakening of the immune system would be one of the many side effects. Overexertion and sleep deprivation are a no-go.

Thanks to Darren Blair


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