By | January 14, 2025

It is now accepted as a universal truth that we need to eat healthier and exercise to increase the quality and quantity of our lives. That means consuming regular servings of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds, and all natural foods mixed with regular exercise and body challenge. So why do so many people end up eating so much garbage and living such a sedentary lifestyle? One main reason: excuses. Below are some of the common excuses used to justify living at a much lower level in this important area, and rebuttals for each excuse.

1) Life is short. I want to live now!

First of all, congratulations on making your life shorter. This life has so many wonderful things to experience, see, hear, touch, smell and feel. If the only way to be happy is to eat the poison junk food, isn’t that a sad indication of how empty your life is? Maybe try feeding your body a little more so you have more energy to go out and live, really live.

2) I don’t want to live that long anyway

Whenever some people come across the obvious argument that moving and feeding your temple prolongs your life, they immediately retort with:

I don’t want to live that long anyway. Why would I want to live until I’m 90 only to have shaky bones/poor posture/be a burden…etc etc

That’s the deal. A healthier diet does not increase the quantity but also the QUALITY of your life. If you want to avoid having shaky bones, poor posture, and huge hospital bills NOW, let me suggest you put the trash out and head to the local farmers market. To see the extremes of what can happen when you don’t eat, watch the film La Vie En Rose and let it teach you a lesson.

3) I just can’t stop/ The food tastes too good

This is why the psychology and science of persuasion was invented: to give you greater control over your body and mind. For most of you, this is an untested hypothesis. You haven’t tried EVERYTHING you know about changing the way you think and feel about certain foods. There is a plethora of therapies, groups, blogs, books, and resources you can use to change the way you look at food.

Plus, you can replace most of the junk in your life with much healthier alternatives.

4) It’s just too hard

Guess what is of value in this world. If anything is of value in this life, it can only be achieved through hard work. You’re doing the hardest job of all: you’re going to work 40 hours a week (probably more) just to make enough money to live on. If you can sacrifice enough to have financial resources, surely you can use those resources to nourish your temple. Why make all the money in the world when you can carry it in an obese, unhealthy body?

Something to think about.

Thanks to Tony Chomba Mwangi Njanja

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