“I am a 32-year-old woman and have had irregular bowel function for 2 years with the complaints of alternative constipation and diarrhea each time along with abdominal pain, disturbed insomnia and fatigue.”
– Lata M
Irritable bowel syndrome is a very common reason for visits to your family doctor or gastrointestinal specialist.
IBS can cause so many problems for people on a daily basis and immensely affect their quality of life. Let’s see what Ayurveda has to say about IBS and how its effects can be mitigated for long-lasting relief.
According to studies, women get sick twice as often as men. There are few factors that can increase your chances of developing IBS.
- If a family member has IBS
- Stressful or difficult life events as these can trigger IBS symptoms
- Frequent or severe digestive tract infections
What does Ayurveda say about IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)?
The condition of IBS is known as “GRAHANI ” in Ayurveda.
According to the ancient science of Ayurveda, the Agni (or digestive fire) is responsible for breaking food down into energy and food. When digestion is complete, food moves from the various digestive organs to the next stage of digestion. If the person cannot digest the food easily, it means that their digestion is weak, or it can be said that the fire element “Agni” is weak.
This weak and improper digestion can lead to the accumulation of toxins (ama) and all of the main symptoms of IBS can be due to these toxins.
Therefore, the first step in Ayurvedic treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome is to treat and reduce Ama. In this way the body is detoxified and doshas are brought into balance.
It can be divided into four main types based on bowel habits:
Some of the main symptoms of IBS that people with IBS face are:
- Experiencing irregular bowel habits such as alternating diarrhea and constipation, improper digestion and undigested food particles that move. Constant urge to move immediately after meals.
- Abdominal pain
- Stretching or enlarging
- Gas and nausea
- A feeling of incomplete evacuation with an urge to move
- Heartburn, chest pain, and dysphagia.
- Few other IBS symptoms may appear, including somatic and psychological symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, headache, anxiety, depression, and even urological dysfunction and gynecological symptoms.
The main causes of IBS / GRAHANI are:
- Poor diet and nutrition, such as B. Eating heavily fried foods, overeating, eating foods that are bad for your gut, drinking too much fluids, and eating cold foods.
- Eating at the wrong time or skipping meals when you are hungry.
- Some underlying diseases such as an imbalance in the nervous system, abnormal motor and sensory activity of the intestines, etc.
- Accumulation of toxins in tissues involved in the circulatory process.
- Any kind of physical and psychological stress
- Reduces the body’s immunity and internal strength
- Irregular and disturbed natural biological rhythm
Steps forAyurvedic management of IBS
Ayurveda is a holistic and alternative treatment method for IBS and helps to alleviate the negative symptoms in the most natural way possible. Here are some therapies that can help.
This process involves regulating the digestive fire. This is treated by reducing ama (undigested toxins) from the digestive tract. Ama can be reduced with the help of digestive herbs and other potent Ayurvedic ingredients.
This is the process by which the Vata Dosha. corrected and balanced
It is observed in many cases that the condition of IBS flares up when people experience a stressful event or have psychological problems in their life. This treatment involves relaxation and addressing these underlying problems.
Shodhan is a process of detoxification or purification. It involves converting any toxic drug into useful, non-toxic / non-toxic elements.
Shamanarevitalizes the body by treating imbalances and neutralizing any impurities that remain after detoxification. It is a healing treatment in Ayurveda. This therapy aims to rejuvenate and restore the body’s balance after the detoxification process.
Ayurvedic recipes made from natural herbs and ingredients are used.
This process includes the process of maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a restricted diet, yoga, and meditation.
Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic detox and this therapy includes enemas that can help cleanse and nourish the colon.
Panchakarma therapy for IBS can include:
- Abhyanga (therapeutic massage with Ayurvedic oils)
- Shirodhara (hot oil therapy on the forehead)
- Chakra basti (warm oil treatment around the ship and the associated Marma points) to relax the digestive system
Ayurvedic tips that can help you with IBS
- Reduce your intake of fried foods, processed foods, meat, oil, dairy products, and other fatty foods. These foods can cause your colon to contract suddenly, causing IBS symptoms such as diarrhea and abdominal pain.
- Avoid spicy foods that will cramp your colon and cause diarrhea.
- Ingesting more soluble fiber can prevent diarrhea. This is readily available in sources like beans, oatmeal, and some fruits like apples, strawberries, and grapes.
- Drink enough water, as less water intake can impede the smooth flow of food in the digestive tract. Avoid drinking water while you eat. Taking water 1 hour before and after meals helps a lot.
- Eat yogurt or any type of probiotic food.
- Eat cured rice, jowar, skimmed milk, buttermilk.
- Consumption of vegetables such as pumpkins, coriander leaves, lentils, grams of soup.
- Fruits like crab apple, pomegranate, nutmeg.
- Certain herbs like black pepper, dried ginger, garlic, cumin, turmeric, coriander, cinnamon, clove, bay leaf, and fenugreek can help with IBS because of their healing properties. An herb called Kutaj can be used in different forms like Kutajavleha, Kutajarishta, Kutajghan Vati, etc. Bilva is another potent herb that can be used for loose movement in IBS and can be prescribed as Bilvavleha, Bilajil, and Bel juice.
- Don’t forget the important role that healthy sleep plays in your digestion and overall health.
- Buttermilk, sour porridge, and arishta should be consumed as an after-meal drink.
Some important lifestyle changes recommended for IBS
- Increase fiber intake
- Take probiotic foods like cottage cheese, kimchi, etc.
- An important point is the recognition and elimination of food intolerances, as these can vary from person to person.
- Manage stress levels, both physically and mentally
- Focus on a healthy lifestyle
- Learn how to eat the right food and prepare to mix and match foods properly that can bring you the maximum health benefits. Ayurveda recommends eating according to the prakriti of the individual. This simply means that you can follow a diet that is right for your body type and create a mixture by grinding after your ingestion of purified ginger, dried mace, and cumin seeds. You can also add a very small amount of edible camphor.
- Ginger relieves most IBS symptoms. You can use it in your morning tea and other beverages.
- Peppermint oil can be very effective as it helps relax the intestinal muscles to improve motility (the passage of food through the intestines).
- Aloe vera is beneficial in treating symptoms of diarrhea and constipation. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera reduce inflammation in the intestines and can relieve many of the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.
Ayurvedic formulations that are effective for irritable bowel syndrome
Note: It is recommended to consult an Ayurveda expert or Vaidya for an individual symptom analysis.
To regulate the digestive fire (Deepana-Pachana):
- You can use Ashta churna. take in
- Dipakyadi churna
- Hinguvachadi churna
For indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps (Apachi, Shoola and Atisara):
- To takeDigestive therapy (Combination of Amlant, Dizomap and Triphala)
- Mustakaranjadi-Kashaya
- Vilwadi gulika
- Dadimaastak churna
- Kalaskadi kwatha
If you are constipated (vibandh), you can take:
- Kaidaryadi-Kashaya
- Triphala
- Patupancakadi gulika
- Bhuktanjari gulika
If you have acidosis and heartburn (Amlodgara and Daha), you can take
- Mahatiktak-Kashaya
- Amlant
- Trantyadi-Kashaya
- Kalyanakakashaya
- Kalyanaka Ghrita
- Sarasvatarista
For IBS-C (constipation dominant)
- Herbal laxatives:Containing anthraquinones such as senna, cascara, rhubarb and frangula can stimulate bowel movements.
- Smooth elm: Can be used in powder form and helps relieve heartburn and mild stomach upset. In addition, the herb can relieve constipation in people with IBS-C.
- Triphala:As a natural detoxifier, it helps reduce constipation, abdominal pain, and gas.
For IBS-D (diarrhea dominant)
- Chamomile:can be taken as a tea or as a liquid or capsule. It can reduce cramps and calm the intestines.
- Berry leaf teas: These are made from blueberries, blackberries or raspberries. These are full of tannins and help reduce inflammation. These teas can also help relieve symptoms of diarrhea.
Essential Yoga Poses for IBS Symptoms Relief
These are some of the poses that you can try daily that can help you find long-term relief.
- Dhanurasana (bow pose)
- Pavana-muktasana (wind-relieving pose)
- Marjariasana (cat pose)
- Adho-Mukha shavanasana (downward facing dog pose)
- Ardha-matsyendra-asana (seated semi-spinous rotation)
- Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)
To sum up
IBS has affected more people than we can imagine. The best known reasons are unhealthy living conditions and stress. Here we have discussed various tips, Ayurvedic herbs, formulations and therapies that can help you immensely. These are natural and do not cause any side effects of their own. We strongly recommend consulting a Vaidya expert before beginning IBS treatment.
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Reference: maharishiayurvedaindia.com