By | January 11, 2025

Did you know that 95 million people in the United States suffer from heartburn, acid reflux, and other symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? And with our fast-food diet, those numbers are increasing. No one can escape this disease: adults, children and even infants are affected or suffer from acid reflux, heartburn or GERD. That’s why it’s important to diet for GERD and learn what foods you can eat.

What Causes Heartburn GERD?

The physical cause of heartburn, acid reflux or GERD is when the lower esophageal sphincter (a band at the top of the stomach) relaxes, stomach acid gushes up into the esophagus and literally burns it, hence the name heartburn

trigger events

Among the things that can trigger this reflux of acid into the esophagus is eating certain foods that relax this sphincter muscle. An increase in anxiety or stress in your life, lack of exercise, and a fast-food diet are all major contributors to living with GERD. All of these events affect the body – the body increases production of acid, the lower sphincter is released, and acid reflux into the esophagus occurs.

Increased acidity can cause other problems

Recent evidence shows that an acidic state in the body creates an environment conducive to the growth of viruses, certain bacteria, and cancer. There is also evidence that tells us that the increase in acid production in the body can also be linked to respiratory digestive problems (like asthma), kidney problems and associated heart disease.

What are the symptoms of acid reflux?

A burning sensation in the chest, a small, hard cough, constipation and/or diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), fibromyalgia (muscle pain), difficulty swallowing, increased headaches, vomiting and insomnia, increased gas and belching, and a sour taste in the mouth are all signs of it that your system is acidic and acid has entered the esophagus.

There are natural solutions

Why would you take prescription medications, commonly referred to as proton pump inhibitors, which are really only meant to last for two weeks AND can seriously increase acid production in the body?

Doctors like to throw pills at physical symptoms; They rarely address the root cause or approach the cure from a “holistic” or holistic perspective. If you find a doctor who does, stick with him or her.

Traditional western medical systems are designed to keep you sick, not make you better. That’s the only way doctors get paid: when you’re sick. And that’s the only way these giant pharmaceutical companies can continue to make the big bucks. They’re pumping out drugs that 1) don’t cure the problem and 2) lead to serious complications that need to be treated with ANOTHER pill that’s twice as bad or worse.

On the other hand, traditional Eastern medicinal practices are designed to keep you safe from disease, and these can produce some pretty amazing results. See an acupuncturist if you want pain-free results almost immediately. You will be surprised. But go see a certified practicing acupuncturist with some time under your belt.

What foods do you combine?

Food combining is also a cause of acid formation. Most people are unaware of the fact that foods fall into one of two categories (and sometimes in between): acidic or alkaline.

You can eat acidic foods in moderation if your system is in balance. If not, pay attention. And when you combine certain foods, you can get a stomach ache that makes you howl.

Eat smaller meals more often

And try not to combine foods. Basic foods include:

Vegetables: Asparagus, artichokes, cabbage, lettuce, onions, cauliflower, radish, swedes, lamb’s lettuce, peas, zucchini, red cabbage, leeks, watercress, spinach, turnips, chives, carrots, green beans, beets, garlic, celery, grasses (straw, wheat and barley), cucumber, broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts.

seed: Almonds, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, flax, buckwheat groats, spelt, lentils, cumin, or any sprouted seeds.

Beverages: Green beverages, fresh vegetable juice, water with a pH of 7.0 or higher, lemon water (pure water + fresh lemon or lime), herbal tea, vegetable broth, unsweetened soy milk or almond milk.

full grain Any bread that contains whole grains is immensely better for you than plain white bread.

Fats & Oils: Flax, hemp, avocado, olive evening primrose, borage, coconut oil, and other oil blends (like Udo’s Choice).

A diet for GERD consists mostly of alkaline foods until you get your acid production under control.

Thanks to Jenny Long

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