AHPC Ghana Accreditation Guideline

Institution seeking accreditations must provide the following information and documentations to council for review and subsequent visitation (three copies).



Name of Institution:

Please provide the following information in respect of each programme:

  1. Programme Title
  2. A statement indicating that the proposed programme has the support of the governing Board of the institution.
  3. Level of Programme  (Diploma/ Degree/ Masters etc.)
  4. Background information. Philosophy aim and objectives of the programme and how fit into the mission and vision and plans of the institution and national demand for the programme.
  5. Students’ admission, Progression and graduation: Clear policies on minimum qualification/standards for admission into the programme, retention and graduation. Include programme duration and organisation of the academic year, minimum and maximum level.
  6. Employment prospect of students (enrolled or to be enrolled) List areas in which students are likely to be employed
  7. Details of syllabus and teaching Course description and code, Course objectives, Course content
  8. Assessment of students’ performance
  1. Regulation on these should be clearly defined grading system
  1. Mode of certification.
  1. Name of certificate awarding institution.  Attach copy of agreement with named institution that will examine and award the certificate to the students in this programme.
  1. Projected students enrolment for the next five years


  1. Staff

The teaching (including technical) staff strength, competence and standard of instruction to be provided. The following factor to be used for judgement:


  1. Please separate list of teaching, technical and administrative staff of the programme, ( distinguish between full-time and part-time staff) showing for each staff:
  1. Rank
  2. Highest academic and/or professional qualifications. State year of attainment, institution and relevant discipline/area of specialisation.
  3. Teaching experience ( state level and number of years)
  4. Research and consultancy activities with publication where applicable.
  5. Expected teaching load ( state in hours per week per teacher)
  6. For part time teachers, the institution should provide evidence that permission has been granted by their parent institution for them to be engaged. Evidence of this must be attached


  1. Details of staff development programme( if any)
  1. Resources:


  1. Availability of physical facilities and other teaching resource
    1. – State types and numbers of physical facilities like classrooms,     laboratories/demonstrations rooms and workshops (as applicable);
    2. – State types and numbers of equipment, instruments and tools;
    3. -Clearly state the competency training procedures;
    4. – State provisions made for updating the facilities and resources to give students   proper learning experience;
    5. – State provisions made for the physically challenged;
    6. – State safety facilities provided.
  2. Library resources and other relevant supporting provision;
  1. Provision for vocational attachments. Indicate how institution intends to collaborate with health facilities to offer practical training for students. Provide evidence from health facilities willing to accept students for practical training including terms of conditions for such agreements.
  1. Funding available for each programme, in terms of capital and current expenses:
  1. for establishing each new programme;
  2. in meeting annual recurrent expenditure:
  • Staff salaries
  • Maintenance and replacement of workshop equipment
  • Library requirements, maintenance and replacements
  • Academic operational expenses (e.g. consumable materials, etc.
  1. For Capitalisation:
  1. Civil works
  2. Equipment
  3. Other teaching resources (e.g. audio visual materials)
  4. Furniture
  5. Others
  1. For staff development (if applicable)
  1. Technical Assistance
  2. Overseas training
  3. Local training
  1. Linkage with other organisations/institutions ( national/international)

10. Sources of Funding:

External (specify and state amount).

Internal (specify and state amount).

Level of fees (in cedi) for each programme.


Committee Meetings on Accreditation Documents

The Education and Training Committee of the council is mandated to review and ensure the accreditation of all allied health training institution seeking for accreditation. The committee therefore review accreditation document submitted to Council when it carries out its sittings. The Committee meets in January, April, July and October each year.

Selection of professionals to review accreditation documents

The committee has a bank of professionals that it selects from to enable it review accreditation application received from training institutions. These professionals were selected from the various associations based on the following requirements.

  • A minimum of MSc preferably PhD in respective professions
  • A minimum of five years professional work experience in the respective  professions
  • Experience in curriculum developments.

Process of Registration

  • Review of Accreditation Document submitted by the institution seeking Accreditation
  • A copy of the concerns raised in the report is forwarded to the institution for correction and resubmission.
  • Visitation of institution by Panel selected by Council
  • Accreditation Committee decides on accreditation status based on the report submitted by the Panel.

The fees for Accreditation can be found in here


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