Breast Implant Disease

Breast implant disease is not a medically recognized condition. It is a term used to describe a group of symptoms that occur after someone undergoes a breast implant surgery.

It used to be thought that breast implants could only occur with silicone implants, further research has shown that this can be Illness can happen with any implant, filled with silicone gel, filled with saline solution, smooth surface, structured surface, round or teardrop-shaped. Silicone breast implants still show a higher risk of association with other autoimmune diseases. These can include rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, scleroderma, sarcoid, or lupus. There isn’t much research on breast implant disease yet.

Symptoms of breast implant disease 

There are many different symptoms that can occur with breast implant disease. Symptoms can either appear quickly after surgery or develop over time.

Symptoms can include skin changes such as rashes or eczema. Sleep disturbances, headaches, dizziness or migraines are also symptoms. Joint or muscle pain is a very common symptom of breast implant disease. Hormonal imbalances can also lead to weight changes, hair loss, anxiety, or depression. Breast changes such as redness, swelling, pain, change in shape, or discharge.

Other symptoms include chronic fatigue, breathing problems, memory or concentration problems, dry mouth, dry eyes, gastrointestinal problems, chronic inflammatory symptoms, and food intolerance or allergies.

Some people with breast implant disease tend to have weakened immune systems, which means they often catch colds or have flu-like symptoms.

Complications – cancer

Breast implant disease can also lead to a type of breast implant cancer. It is a T-cell lymphoma that occurs in the scar tissue where the implant was placed. This cancer can be diagnosed with an ultrasound. Usually it can be detected early enough that removing the implant along with any scar tissue capsules will clear away all of the cancer.

causes of breast implant disease 

It is not certain why some people react so negatively to their implants. It may have something to do with an inflammatory response in the body to a foreign object. Another cause may be the body’s reaction to the specific components that make up the implant. Or it could be caused by the body’s response to the insertion and surgical technique. There isn’t much information yet as to what could be the cause.

It has been shown that people with a family or personal history of autoimmune diseases such as allergies, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, chronic fatigue, or fibromyalgia are at a higher risk of developing breast implant disease as well.


Since this is not a medically recognized condition, there is no real diagnosis. Sometimes patients go through multiple doctors trying to find the cause of their symptoms before connecting their symptoms to their implants.


A plastic surgeon can remove the implants to relieve symptoms. Symptoms usually go away after the implants are removed, although in some cases symptoms persist. This has been shown in cases that do not become known as quickly and that put the person at a higher risk of developing autoimmune disease. This may be because your body developed the disorder, which means that in order for the symptoms to resolve, they will need treatment for the disorder and the removal of the implants.

Sometimes people choose to swap their implants for others made from a different material. This doesn’t always work, if you are predisposed to breast implant syndrome then your symptoms are more likely to recur with a different implant. Usually, people with these symptoms begin to seek help from them when more than one of the above symptoms reaches the point where they interfere with daily functioning in a person’s life.

Bring away

Breast implants are relatively safe, with an approximately 1% chance of a normal complication such as delayed healing, chest pain, or swelling occurring. Currently, research shows that approximately 1 in 2,000 women who undergo breast implants will end up with breast implant disease. Research continues into what is the connection between the implants and these symptoms to see what can be done in the future.

Sometimes patients go through multiple doctors trying to find the cause of their symptoms before connecting their symptoms to their implants.

Thank You For Reading!



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