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Ear Infections and Traditional Chinese Medicine

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The following is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM is based on the observation that everything is a combination of opposites: yin (cold, purifying) and yang (hot, uplifting), many of which we control through diet, exercise, sex, environment, thought, and so on.

There are two types of ear infections, inflammation (otitis): external and internal. External otitis, also known as swimmer’s ear, affects the outer ear. It is generally caused by an upper respiratory tract infection. Otitis media affects the middle ear (behind the eardrum) and is common in infants and children. The eustachian (connecting the nasopharynx and middle ear) and auditory canals (connecting the ear to the back of the nasal cavity) regulate air pressure, temperature, and humidity. Low pressure, colder temperatures tend to increase moisture, water in the ears, especially in young children, babies. Excess moisture, water in the ear canals and eustachian tubes can build up, stagnate and fester, attracting and feeding bacteria and viruses that inflame and put pressure on the ear and cause earache: sharp, dull or throbbing pain, fullness in the ear and/or a high fever (as high as 103 F). High altitude and/or colder temperatures increase symptoms and infections.

The ears (connected to the nasal cavity) are vulnerable to an external or internal onslaught of cold and damp. Cold and humid air travels with the wind and easily enters the nose, mouth and ears. In extreme cases, this leads to condensation in the ears. cold condenses. In nature, winter cold cools, hardens, and condenses water in the air into rain, snow, and ice. In the body, cold condenses liquids in the lungs, nose, throat, sinuses, mouth, ears, etc. into water, phlegm and phlegm. Bacteria and viruses thrive in stagnant, watery media (mucus, phlegm, cysts, urine, etc.) before becoming inflamed and infected.

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Middle ear infections are common in children. Children tend to be weak and cold as they are still developing. This weakness, lack of energy, heat makes them more susceptible to cold and damp, externally and internally.

Internally, the body is heated in many ways by digestion, circulation, locomotion, etc., all of which are heated by blood, nutrients, protein, and fat. Protein and fat build and support all structure and function.

Digestion is an important heat source in the body. Three meals a day activate digestion, acid, enzymes, and bile in the stomach and small intestine (62 feet long), which in turn creates heat, much like a car engine heats a car. The heat of digestion rises naturally in the lungs, throat, mouth, nose, sinuses and ears, warming and drying.

The lungs (including the throat, nose, sinuses, etc.) are naturally moist. Moisture, water facilitate the exchange of gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide). Too much or too little weakens the exchange, which in turn interferes with breathing and/or causes infection, inflammation, etc.

Weak digestion (common in children) generates less heat, which leads to a drop in temperature and subsequent cooling and moistening (water, phlegm and phlegm) of the lungs, nose, throat, etc., which harden the water in the air to morning dew. In winter, cold temperatures thicken, hardening the water in the air into rain, snow, and ice. In the body, colder temperatures thicken the water in the lungs, nose, throat, and sinuses into mucus and phlegm.

Low-protein, low-fat (milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, beans, nuts, and seeds) and high-carb diets, in extreme cases, weaken, cool, and thin digestion (acid, enzymes), elimination (soft stools), respiration (mucous, phlegm) , ears (water, infection, inflammation), immunity (tendency to catch colds), etc. Milk and cereal are cold, moist, as is orange juice. Warm cereals with a bit of cinnamon or ginger tend to be warming and uplifting.

The medium diet, meal plan with spices (cumin, coriander, fennel, cayenne pepper, ginger, etc.) is recommended. Use spices in soups, stews, desserts, etc. Spices promote digestion and dry moisture: excess fluids: phlegm, phlegm, soft stools, edema, cellulite, etc. Ginger or cinnamon can be used in cookies, desserts. Vegetables (carrots, yams) and fruits (apples, pineapples, etc.) can be used as sweeteners to reduce sugar cravings. Boiled foods, soups, stews, proteins and fats stimulate and warm the body: lungs, digestive organs, etc. Milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice cream, salads, tropical fruits, smoothies, shakes and cold drinks cool and moisturize the body.

Garlic or peppermint oil drops in the ear are commonly used as they dry moisture while fighting infection. Ear cones and candles are used for the same reason. The candles are put in the ear and lit. As the cone burns down, the candle absorbs water and dries the ear. There are different types of ear candles. Ear candles with wax can drip excess wax into the ears.

Thanks to Richard Heft

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