Fast Food and Calories
Fast Food and Calories

Fast Food and Calories

Here in the technology and information age, we have more knowledge and advancements than at any time in history. Sixty years ago, who would have thought you could send an instant message, let alone take a picture, with a phone? Who would have thought sixty years ago that we would be able to send a human to the moon but fail in the fight against obesity and cancer?

Isn’t it oddly shocking that America has come so far in everything but health and fitness? As the fitness industry tells us to count calories and exercise to lose fat, we as a nation are getting fatter.

Running parallel to the fitness industry are the fast food chains, which are doing their best to keep up with the “healthy eating” trend. It seems that the fast-food industry can cater to everyone’s dietary needs with “fat-free,” “low-calorie,” and “low-carb” meals.

Fast food is now considered normal eating pleasure by the average person. People no longer only eat on special occasions or on weekends; They eat out all the time. But is it the calories in fast food that are so damaging to the body and waistline, or does the problem lie deeper?

Fast food and obesity

Fast food is simply delicious, ready-to-go food. Fast food has been around since the early 1900s, but its popularity began and grew in the 1940s with the birth of good old Mickey D’s; quick food at cheap prices. Within a few years, similar fast food establishments were popping up everywhere.

Curiously, with the irresistible rise of fast-food restaurants since the 1940s, obesity and cancer began to rise at the same time. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math and link fast food to the obesity and cancer crises.

Fast food and its nutritional value

To say that fast food has “nutritional value” is an oxymoron. There is absolutely nothing nutritional about fast food. Fast food simply feeds hunger and/or your immediate cravings. Fast food does not nourish your body in the form of usable sustainable energy or building materials, the essence on which your body thrives for life itself.

Fast food is highly processed with a variety of additives. The concept of fast food is obvious, that food is ready to eat and served quickly. In order to ensure the low cost of fast food to the consumer, the fast food products are made with highly processed ingredients to give them shelf life, preserve texture and enhance flavor. Fast food is being transformed from its originally healthy form, intended to nourish the body, into a denatured form that lacks any nutritional value.

According to Diana Schwarzbein, MD, “The FDA Total Diet Study found that fast food hamburgers consistently contained 113 different pesticide residues.” So my question is why would the FDA want to regulate the sale of vitamins, minerals, and herbs that are actually made for are beneficial to the body when we are hit by a fast food/cancer/obesity crisis?

Why fast food makes you fat and is dangerous

wake up people It’s not the calories in fast food that are bad for your health and waistline, it’s the chemical additives like aspartame and MSG (monosodium glutamate). These chemical additives are FDA approved and studies show that they lead to weight and disease problems.

Synthetic chemicals added to processed foods, including fast food, damage your body’s cells. Your body is made up of nutrients found in the plants and animals you eat. Man-made foods loaded with pesticides, as well as aspartame, margarine, and other man-made chemicals don’t nourish your body. If your body cannot use what you put in, you will gain fat and lose health.

Since we cannot visually see what is actually happening at the molecular level when we eat processed foods, we reject it and rely on the FDA to do our thinking for us. After all, if it’s FDA approved, it MUST be okay to eat, right? Not at all.

Nutrients from the food we eat enable us to burn fat and be healthy. Your body cannot process synthetic chemicals. When a food cannot be processed, it ends up in areas of your body, primarily fat areas and tissues, creating an acidic pH.

A simple fast food chicken breast can contain anything from modified cornstarch to hydrolyzed corn gluten. Hi? Chicken made from corn? A fast-food chicken nugget is almost 60% corn, and corn is used by farmers to raise cattle.

Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma, puts it succinctly: “How did we ever get to a point where we need an investigative journalist to tell us where our food comes from?”

A good picture that Dr. Mark A. Gustafson found is that it takes fifty-one days to digest fast food chicken nuggets or french fries. Fifty one days! Does that sound healthy? I could care less about the calorie, fat, or carb content. That’s not the problem folks. The problem with fast food is that it lacks nutrients and is loaded with chemicals that the body doesn’t recognize.

Even more devastating is the book “The Fast Food Diet” by Stephan Sinatra, MD. This is a sad state of affairs when a doctor encourages the consumption of chemically modified foods containing addictive chemicals and damaged fats that scar the artery walls and contribute to total metabolic damage.

Eat well and avoid the hidden dangers

Granted, calories count to a degree, but what matters more is the quality of the calorie. If you want to lose fat, you have to change your eating habits. That doesn’t mean you should choose Healthy Choice® and Smart One’s® frozen foods just because they appear healthy. Food manufacturers use deceptive labeling tactics to create the illusion that people will buy their product.

To lose fat and keep it off, you should choose foods in their natural state, such as: B. fresh organic cuts of meat, fresh organic fruits and vegetables, essential fats and plenty of filtered water. It’s important that you get back to basics.

Make the majority of your diet fresh and organic. If you do that, you’ll never have to count calories again. The quality of the food always outweighs the quantity.

References: Schwarbein, Diana MD The Schwarzbein Principle. 1999. 287 Pollan, Michael. The omnivore’s dilemma. 2006. 1

Thanks to Karen Sessions


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