Healthy Eating Habits – The Best Time to Have Your Daily Meals

Best Time for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner: When it comes to eating your very simple and regular three meals of the day, which is breakfast, lunch, and dinner, you just shove food down your throat, like at every other task also day to be performed daily without paying attention to the time of meals. However, in order for these meals to provide your body with sufficient energy and the required nutrients, it is very important to take them at the required time, since the right timing is just as important as the meals themselves. Therefore, it may sound very simple to feed yourself, but it can become one of the biggest mistakes that will make a huge difference to your body, overall health and fitness. Therefore, it is really imperative for each of us to know the right times for our regular three meals.

Below are certain points to observe and analyze once in order to memorize the habit of eating food at the required time:
How often do you delay breakfast or skip your meal after a heavy workout? How often do you eat right before bed? Do you take long breaks between meals? Therefore, it can be difficult to determine the ideal time to eat.

Below are the relevant guidelines to follow in relation to your regular three meals a day that promise you a healthy lifestyle:


One should aim to eat within the 30 minute window of waking up in the morning
The best time for the first meal of the day is around 7am
Breakfast should not be postponed later than 10am
Make sure you include a good amount of protein in your breakfast

Having lunch

Around 12:45pm is the best time for lunch
There must be a gap of about 4 hours between breakfast and lunch
Lunch should not be postponed after 4 p.m


The best time for dinner is before 7pm
There should be a 3-hour break between dinner and bedtime
Delaying dinner after 10:00 p.m. is not considered sound practice
Eating right before bed can put your health off sleep
What you don’t consume is likely to be stored as fat since you are less energetic towards the end of the day
Overeating near bedtime raises your blood sugar and insulin levels, making it harder to fall asleep
Your last supper must be the lightest of the day and must be eaten three hours before your bedtime at night

Thanks to Nikhil Arora

DailyEatingfitness and healthy eatingHabitsHealthyMealsTime