Many people leave quarantine after contracting the Covid-19 virus. It is a difficult time for any individual and family who have contracted the virus. Dealing with the quarantine period is difficult, but home care after Covid is just as important. It is important that you do not ignore and take care of your body while relaxing at home.
Let’s discuss some of the symptoms a person can experience after Covid.
Some common post-COVID-19 symptoms include:
After testing negative for Covid-19, many of the patients may experience some long-term and chronic after-effects. Some of them are:
- Constant body fatigue or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- sleep disorders
- Depression and anxiety
- Diffuse myalgia
- Some cognitive symptoms like confusion, less focus, forgetfulness, etc.
- Muscle and joint pain
If proper care is not used, patients can develop very serious medical conditions such as lung damage, heart damage, etc.
People with a history of health conditions like immune disorders, diabetes, high blood pressure etc. are at a much higher risk for post COVID-19 health conditions like cytokine storms.
(Cytokine storm occurs when a hyperimmune reaction occurs and abnormally high levels of cytokine proteins are released into the blood at a rapid rate. In much simpler terms, immune response is more than normal conditions)
This immune response is responsible for numerous autonomic dysfunctions such as temperature abnormalities, sleep abnormalities, cognitive abnormalities, and severe fatigue, which can be serious for people with pre-existing conditions.
What are the health guidelines for post-COVID-19 management at home?
According to the National Clinical Management Protocol for Covid-19 based on Ayurveda and Yoga introduced by Health Minister Harsh Vardhan and AYUSH Minister Shripad Naik, some important specific measures have been prescribed to prevent the disease in high risk categories and people with direct contact.
It also includes measures for asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic people and includes people suffering from complications after Covid.
These are the guidelines:
- Drink warm water throughout the day (if not contraindicated)
- Take immunity-boosting / toning AYUSH medication (as prescribed by a qualified AYUSH practitioner)
- Professional activity is resumed in stages (if the state of health permits). The person can indulge in housework more easily.
- Can practice Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation (depending on the state of health or as prescribed)
- Breathing exercises can be performed as directed by a doctor.
- Balanced and nutritious diet (easily digestible freshly cooked)
- Take adequate sleep and rest.
- Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol.
- Regularly take medication recommended for Covid and to treat comorbidities. Consult with your doctor about any medication the person is taking (allopathic / AYUSH) to avoid drug interactions.
- Never forget to do self-monitoring at home such as blood pressure, temperature, blood sugar (especially if diabetic), pulse oximetry, etc. (if medically recommended).
- If you have a persistent dry cough / sore throat, gargle with saline and inhale steam. The addition of herbs / spices to gargle / steam inhale. Cough medicines should be taken on the advice of a doctor or a qualified Ayush health care provider.
- Always watch out for early warning signs such as high-grade fever, shortness of breath, Sp02 <95%, unexplained chest pain, new onset of confusion, focal weakness, etc.
How can Ayurveda help? Post-Covid Management at Home?
According to this ancient science called Ayurveda, all abnormalities in the body are caused by the imbalance in the Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas. Not to mention the accumulation of ama (toxins) in your body.
So the focus is on balancing the doshas and detoxifying the body to prepare it for general healing.
The effects of an illness depend on the severity of the illness, prakriti, satwa, satmya, and the age of the individual.
Here are some Ayurvedic formulations that you can ingest and make a part of your lifestyle.
- Chyawanprash can be taken to strengthen the immune system and the respiratory tract.
- Amrit Kaslah can be taken to boost your immunity and strengthen all organs in your body. It helps in detoxifying and healing the body from within.
- Triphala can be taken as it helps regulate excess pitta in the body and eliminate toxins.
- Ashwagandha acts as an adaptogen that helps the body adapt to different types of stress (adaptogen) and promotes endurance and general wellbeing. It also calms and strengthens the nervous system.
- Shatavari helps to increase the strength of the musculoskeletal system.
- Ayurvedic Panchakarmas therapy can be used to purify the body to reduce toxins. Abhyanga (full body massage) with lukewarm sesame oil, followed by Sweden (full body steaming). These are recommended as detoxifying procedures.
- Yoga and pranayama can be done to remove lactic acid from the body. This will help you get rid of fatigue.
- You can practice the Ayurvedic diet according to your prakriti. Also avoid fried and spicy foods.
To sum up
It is very important to follow strict treatment for Covid-19 and maintain a positive state of mind in order to heal completely. Alternative healing modalities have been shown to provide long-term relief for the patient and boost immunity. Ayurvedic treatments can help heal the body’s organs and are free from side effects.
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