There are different ways of being sober. You can go inside a sober living or just do-it-yourself. It is one of the greatest challenges a person will experience especially those that are experiencing addiction during their past life. Although, once attained sobriety can be the most self-affirming and empowering thing an addict can do for the betterment of his life.
Sober here doesn’t refer to being intoxicated with booze or any kind of substance which has the capacity to alter a person’s entire personality. Millions of Americans are experiencing being sober because of the indulgence in substances which can greatly affect behavior, attitude and outlook in life. Before deciding on being sober, one must first himself in the different factors that may come his way. He will need the help of himself and the utmost desire to become sober, supportive family and friends can greatly help patience and a lot of faith.
A person can attain sobriety through the following tips:
Trigger the desire
You can’t attain being sober without the need of staying at that point. You can make other people convince you to become sober; that’ll be difficult and exhausting. It’s your life, therefore it’s your choice to become whatever and whoever you are. Just remember this – you never wanted to get back with your hazardous and pathetic addicted life therefore you wanted to be someone who has worth and dignity. Being sober will not make you homeless, depressed and all those negative things that addiction offers. This is the best time to decide on your sober life.
Get help
No man is an island. Therefore, it is important that you have someone behind you to give support. Upon realizing that desperation and awareness has overwhelmed your life, find someone who’s willing to make you sober. This can be anyone within your community that has the knowledge and capability to address your problem. If you choose to be inside a sober living environment, you must conclude that it can provide all of the necessities in life just to be sober. Point is, whoever it is that you’ve chosen, he or she must stand by your side and will not let you fall in case all else fails.
Entrust yourself
Talk to someone who can enlighten your spiritual aspect like a spiritual leader or a rabbi who has distinct reputation for confidentiality. Clergies may not be licensed but are very much qualified to counsel your addiction and pertain to matters of forgiveness and spiritual healing. If you know someone who has been successful in making his life sober, you can go on and ask for advice.
Create sobriety within yourself
How can you create a sober environment without practicing it within you? You can ask the people in your home to give you some time to be sober and even ask your friends if you can take a moment off from their presence. They will understand. While in the presence of sobriety, try not to think of your past life and try to build a new life without the presence of any of it. Stay away from people or events that may trigger a relapse.
Living a sober life is difficult but all the way possible if only you will recognize the importance of it in your recovery and to defeat relapses and slight episode manifestations.