The use of Chinese remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) draws on years of Oriental tradition of treating individual symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating and constipation, rather than viewing IBS as a single “all-encompassing” condition, as is often the case in Western medical culture. While remedies can include diet and supplements, acupuncture, and lifestyle changes, among other things, herbal supplements spring to mind. Chinese herbal remedies for irritable bowel syndrome have very powerful effects because the preparations are specific to the person and the particular IBS condition that is prevalent in that person.
o Chinese remedies for IBS favor prevention over cure
The advantage of Chinese remedies for irritable bowel syndrome is that they are natural remedies that are based on the principle of self-healing by triggering the body’s own healing mechanisms and are often deceptively simple. As there are a number of factors that can trigger irritable bowel syndrome, their identification will allow for elimination of the root cause, and this alone may well cure the problem in some people, while others may require further treatment.
o Chinese remedies for IBS help relieve stress
All cultures accept that stress is the number one cause of IBS and can be caused by a variety of situations in life, not all of which can be eliminated immediately. In Chinese philosophy, it controls the response to stress that helps relieve irritable bowel syndrome, and this is where meditation is effective. It reduces anxiety and induces a sense of calm. It can take many forms, and both aromatherapy and yoga are other effective relaxation techniques. Alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation suggest that an element of stress is causing IBS, and herbal products for relief include Shu Gan Wan (Liver Calming Pill) and Xiao Yao Wan (Free and Easy Treatment Pill).
o Chinese remedies for IBS promote a balanced diet
The Chinese consider a balanced diet essential for the prevention and ultimate cure of irritable bowel syndrome because different foods have different effects on the body. For example, eating more fruits and vegetables reduces constipation, cutting out beans reduces gas, while reducing caffeine, spices, and alcohol overcomes diarrhea.
o acupuncture
The philosophy of acupuncture is the regulation of the functioning of the body’s organs and in conjunction with others has proven to be a very effective treatment.
o Chinese remedies to relieve constipation
The Chinese recognize three different types of constipation and have herbal remedies to treat each of them. Excessive constipation, where high fever or abdominal pain is prevalent, is treated with senna, rhubarb, or Epsom salts. Deficient constipation is characterized by dehydration, dry skin, dry eyes, dry scalp, itching or thirst and can be treated with rhubarb, peach or run chang wan based preparations. The third is defective constipation, which is usually reserved for the elderly, weak, or infirm, and is often treated with “Benefit The River Powder,” a traditional herbal preparation.
o Chinese remedies to relieve diarrhea
As with constipation, the Chinese recognize three different types of diarrhea and have herbal remedies to treat each of them. Excessive diarrhea is typical as a result of eating contaminated food and is quickly relieved with “Huang Lian Su”. Defective diarrhea results from stress, poor eating habits, or inadequate food preparation, and prolonged treatment with Shen Ling Bai Zhu Pian helps alleviate this problem. The third is mixed diarrhea, which can indicate an underlying serious condition like Crohn’s disease and shouldn’t be self-treated.
There is no doubt that Chinese remedies for irritable bowel syndrome have been tried and tested for centuries, but for those raised in a Western medical culture, accepting these remedies may take a leap of faith.
Thanks to Ryan English