The cabbage soup diet gets a lot of flak and a mixed reputation, but unlike many other fad diets, there’s a lot of credit here, as the diet recognizes itself for what it is, and for that reason it’s only used one week at a time.
Although many fad diets can be dangerous if not done carefully, this particular one seems to take an honest look at the program’s strengths and limitations. The diet is basically a restricted-eating, calorie-restricted diet based on cabbage soup with lots of vegetables, while rotating meals on different days causes the body to go into overdrive to burn calories.
The soup is fat-free and is designed to eliminate cravings during this low-calorie time. A precise diet plan is followed for seven days. The promise is a weight loss of ten to fifteen pounds, the vast majority of it in the form of water weight, which will likely return when normal eating resumes.
During this particular weight loss plan, it is recommended that you round out your nutritional needs with a multivitamin as the diet is nutritionally deficient. Since this diet is deficient, the general guideline for the diet is that you do not follow it for more than seven days and wait another two or more weeks before beginning another round of the cabbage soup diet.
In addition, this diet is not suitable for children and adolescents. The cabbage soup diet can fall under the VLCD category (very low calorie diet) and it is recommended that you consult a doctor before beginning any such diet plan.
Marketers of this soup diet plan will admit the shortcomings in their diet. One recommendation is to use the psychological boost of rapid weight loss to motivate a person to adopt a more consistent conventional diet with a consistent weight loss of a pound or two per week. The diet is difficult to follow. Many people have reported feeling light-headed or unable to concentrate. Other common side effects include bloating and bloating, as well as the boredom that comes with a limited list of foods.
Currently, there doesn’t seem to be a direct link between cabbage and fat burning. This diet provides weight loss through restricted calorie intake and manages hunger through high fiber and high water intake. This diet is very low in protein, carbohydrates, and fat most days, but can be very high in sodium. While meat is allowed one day, this will create a shortage throughout the week. Daily intake of a multivitamin supplement is highly recommended with this diet plan.
While the diet lasts only seven days, some dieters switch from the cabbage soup diet to a negative calorie diet and combine their cabbage soup with other foods that produce similar results. If you’re serious about losing weight, talk to a doctor about any questions or concerns you might have about the weight loss and cabbage soup diet.
Thanks to Monty Dayton