Sober living is oftentimes mistaken as some kind of rehabilitation center or a recovery support home. Sober living environments has expanded because of people’s need to have a place that is supportive and safe for people who would want a getaway after a recovery. In other words, sober living are houses meant for those who just came out of the rehabilitation center and is not yet ready to face the outside world.
Sober living is a place for support and not for rehab or recovery. Although, it is not only intended for those who just came out of recovery or rehab but also for those who needs some quiet time to ease their minds of worries.
Sober living homes do not provide the services which are offered by rehabilitation centers or shelters. They are more affordable compared to those centers. These places are also drug and alcohol free which gives the person who wanted to stay a more positive and quiet mind to think of things going through his or her life. Sober houses tend to promote an individualized recovery through an environment that allows the people residing in it develop programs which are self-reliant and supporting.
Majority of sober homes are owned by privately and are most likely operated by individuals through small partnership. Assurance of top quality is maintained and achieved through membership in sober coalitions or networks. These networks and coalitions are proved to be self-regulated and self-governed through inspections and reviews.
Members of the networks are required to exemplify standards which are outstanding in terms of safety, management and health guidelines. These homes tend to maintain a drug and alcohol free environment with resident maintained and initiated support activities.
There is no such thing as sober homes which offer treatment or detoxification although, there are numerous referrals in the listing of detoxification outpatient treatments and hospitals. This doesn’t mean that one will not see or encounter certain situations like arriving in the middle of the night and not find someone sweating or shaking within the first 24 to 48 hours of arrival in the place.
Many would rather prefer to be kept in sober homes because of the person’s capacity to retrieve oneself from simple problems. Although, personality disorders or mental diseases are not really under the agenda.
Typically, sober homes are those that are built as a duplex, multiunit complex or a single family residence that is strategically located in a quiet part of a residential neighborhood. Residents inside the sober house are required to follow all house rules religiously. Any violation made by the residents can result to consequences like minor or major financial fines, essay writing of details and oath of a better behavior and it can also result to ejection from the home.
One of the most important rules inside a sober house is the avoidance of alcohol drugs even outside its premises. Some of these prohibited items are daily medicines, mouthwash, after-shave, and food items that contain caffeine like vanilla. To ensure that this rule is done, sober homes do surprise alcohol and drug testing. If found out that the person is intoxicated with the said items, immediate action is made which can even lead to expulsion from the house.
Sober living homes also prohibit any acts of violence, harassment, fighting, absences which are unexcused and violation of the curfew hours.