Name: Rachel Goding
Pronouns: you / you / your
Department: COLSA; Nutrition & Wellness
Role at UNH: Student / Housing Assistance
Started year at UNH: 2018
How do you feel when you get this vaccine?
As an out-of-town student from Rhode Island, I was thrilled to find out I could get the Pfizer vaccine on campus! I believe that achieving herd immunity through widespread vaccination will be a big step in the right direction.
What does it mean for you to have this vaccine?
As a lawyer, I meet so many students on campus every day and soon, as an orientation leader, I will meet even more incoming students. So I feel like I’m doing my part to make my surroundings feel safe.
What would you say to someone who is hesitant about getting the vaccine?
Getting vaccinated is not just a decision that affects you but everyone around you! The whole process only takes about 5 minutes and it feels great to know that you took the initiative to stop the spread.
What were your favorite ways to stay physically active during the pandemic?
Lots of walks! We’re lucky to have great trails and loops so close to campus. I can’t recommend College Woods enough, as does Adam’s Point and Wagon Hill, both of which are a short drive from campus. I also trained at the Hamel Rec Center.
How did you take care of your emotional wellbeing during the pandemic?
Every day I devote a block of time only to activities that I enjoy and that keep me down. Reading, painting, listening to podcasts and writing a diary are just some of my favorites!
How do you stay connected with others?
The phone calls and FaceTiming were very helpful in keeping in touch with my friends and family. Never underestimate the power of a nice phone call!
After you have your first dose of the vaccine, what will you hold on to next?
Get my second dose in a couple of weeks! I will continue to wear my mask in public, social distancing, and all that good stuff because I know there is still a risk of contracting the virus, but I’m excited to have that extra protection.
Do you have any positive words of encouragement for members of our audience who are feeling completely drained and burned out from this pandemic?
I feel for you and I know we will make it! It’s been a tough semester, but we’re on the home stretch. Try to include breaks between assignments and studying for exams so that it feels much better. You can do it!
Thank You For Reading!