
7 lesser known myths and facts about eczema

If you have eczema, you are no doubt familiar with the tedious – and sometimes painful – examining of symptoms.

What is eczema?

Eczema is a long-term inflammatory disease of the skin characterized by dry, itchy, inflamed, and scaly rashes that typically become thick and leathery with constant scratching. These red and itchy rashes appear on the folds of the skin on the back of the knees, neck, bend of elbows, and eyelids.

While it is commonly known as “Skin asthma“, The more medically correct term for it is”Atopic dermatitis.“Although the disease is relatively common – at least one in five children suffers from the disease – unfortunately, to this day, the knowledge of the average person consists mainly of myths and old women’s tales.

There are still many unknowns and half-truths about eczema – this applies not only to the public, but also to those affected themselves. Treat eczema and preventing additional flares can be overwhelming and confusing. So let’s go ahead and tackle some of these misconceptions that come with it.

Myth # 1: Eczema is contagious


Plain and simple – it is not! You can not ‘Catch‘Eczema from touching someone else Rash. This is because, while the skin may appear red and flaky, it is a sign of inflammation and not a contagious infection. So, if you are struggling with eczema, it is time to calm down. There is no way to pass the condition on to someone else by rubbing against them and vice versa. However, it is important to note that if you have open wounds or blisters that are becoming infected, there is a chance that you will pass the infection on to other people. Therefore, you should take precautions during a flare-up.

Myth # 2: Eczema is caused by poor hygiene


That’s just not true. While the real cause of eczema is unknown, it is certainly too broad to consider poor hygiene as a cause or trigger of eczema. Most experts believe it is caused by a combination of genetic, dietary, environmental, and infectious factors that can trigger relapses and exacerbations (relapses).

Myth # 3: Eczema is caused by stress


There’s a small difference here: stress doesn’t cause eczema, but it can certainly make the condition worse and cause flare-ups. This is due to the release of Stress hormones, Cortisol, which damages the skin’s ability to hold water, causing increased dryness and inflammation. Stress can also make your skin itchy, making you more likely to scratch, which naturally makes eczema worse.

Myth # 4: People with eczema cannot swim


This is absolutely not the case, but some choose not to. This is because the chlorine in swimming pools or the salt in seawater make your eczema worse. Back to myth # 1: eczema is non-communicable, so you don’t have to worry about infecting others. However, if you have open wounds, proceed with caution.

Myth # 5: Eczema is just an occasional itch


It’s not just the occasional itch. While seemingly harmless compared to other medical conditions, many people don’t realize that eczema is more than itchy skin. Eczema is a lot more than it seems. It is a significant medical problem that can affect the general health and quality of life of those affected and their families. In addition to causing irritated, itchy areas of skin, the condition has profound psychosocial effects and can affect self-esteem, relationships, and more. Research has shown that people with eczema are at increased risk of developing a number of health problems, including Food allergies, Insomnia, asthma, obesity, as well as psychological problems such as anxiety and depression.

Myth # 6: Bad diet causes eczema


Unfortunately, this myth is not true either. There is a definite lack of medical literature to prove that your diet can directly cause eczema. However, if there are certain foods that are making your relapses worse, you should try avoiding those foods and switching to an eczema-friendly diet.

Myth # 7: Eczema can be cured


Unfortunately, there’s no cure for eczema, but a gentle shower of body wash followed by a moisturizer – especially in the winter months – and anti-inflammatory medications can reduce inflammation and itching. Remember that no drug can cure eczema, though, through ongoing maintenance such as using non-irritating soaps and avoiding perfumed products You can manage and minimize the symptoms of eczema.

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