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blog health and wellness

Wellness Coordinators: Apply Amazon’s Leadership Principles In Your Worksite Wellness Program Today

A principle is a comprehensive and fundamental doctrine, assumption, law, or fact of nature. You want to be a principle-centric leader, right? Amazon states that its leadership principles are applied every day when discussing ideas for new projects, deciding on customer solutions or conducting job interviews. But how might these 14 leadership principles apply to […]

Days Gone By – Adapting to a New Reality in Health and Wellness

Success: A challenge to change. Western medical systems, based on hospitals, highly skilled professionals, and high-tech equipment, with little concern for patients and caregivers, have been remarkably successful. In fact, science and technology continue to revolutionize healthcare: who would argue that many infectious diseases have been brought under control, maternal health (maternal/neonatal mortality) has improved, […]

Aging is Inevitable – Adult Health and Wellness

Aging is inevitable While aging is inevitable, it’s not how we look, feel, and deal with it as we age. Aging affects each of us at different rates and in different ways. Even within the same individual, each organ and organ system ages differently, influenced by genetics, environment, lifestyle, attitudes, social networks, spiritual connections, and […]

Emotional Upsets As We Age – Adult Health and Wellness

As we get older, we are more likely to eventually experience emotional upsets, losses, and changes. Many of us go from full-time busy workers or full-time parents to part-time workers, empty nesters and grandparents to full-time retirees, with or without a life partner, adequate financial resources, secure housing, or a network of close family and […]

Fitness Diet For Ultimate Health and Wellness

Fitness and nutrition go hand in hand for a healthier lifestyle and better quality of life. Each has many advantages on its own, but when you combine the two together you can look and feel like a perfect physical specimen. If you’re working out because you’re trying to lose fat and sculpt a perfect body, […]

The Law of Attraction Meets Copywriting

And what a happy union! Why is it so important to incorporate the law of attraction into your marketing plan and copywriting? It could mean the difference of hundreds or thousands of dollars… The difference between customers and lifelong customers… If you think the law of attraction is only for dreamers, think again. Let me […]