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Diet & Routine For Treating Hiatus Hernia Symptoms

A hiatal hernia (often called hiatal hernia) is a condition where the lower esophagus and part of the stomach slip through the gap in the diaphragm, or where part of the stomach protrudes into the chest cavity alongside the esophagus. Hiatal hernias can be caused by injury or accident, heavy sneezing or coughing, heredity, smoking, […]

Hernia Signs and Symptoms to Note

Hernia symptoms are usually related to the bulge that hernia causes. In The early phases you only notice that small lump that does not hurt when it is touched. As the illness advances the bulge, or herniation as some specialists call it becomes painful and keeps swallowing. The lump becomes more visible when you cough […]

Hernia Signs and Symptoms to Note

Hernia symptoms are usually related to the bulge that hernia causes. In The early phases you only notice that small lump that does not hurt when it is touched. As the illness advances the bulge, or herniation as some specialists call it becomes painful and keeps swallowing. The lump becomes more visible when you cough […]