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How To Reduce The Risk Exposure To Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the disease of the joint that impacts the functioning of the joint. It results from damaging of the cartilage layer that protects the bone ends at the joint. There are many predisposing factors to osteoarthritis such as weight, lifestyle, occupation, heredity among others. Even so, maintaining a healthy joint reduces the risk exposure […]

Effective way of managing osteoarthritis at home

Some of the treatment methods of osteoarthritis in hospitals are very expensive. There are many ways of managing osteoarthritis at home and continue doing the normal activities with less stress and pain. Even though the home treatments can help, it will require commitment and change of one’s lifestyle. Body health in managing osteoarthritis Weight loss […]

Healthy Diet For Osteoarthritis Management

Healthy diet is important for the people who live with osteoarthritis. Even so, no specific diet has been found to cure osteoarthritis, but some of the food helps in the osteoarthritis management. How Healthy Diet can help manage body weight The primary association between healthy diet and osteoarthritis is weight management. Weight have an impact […]

Technology Innovation, The Future Of Osteoarthritis Treatment

Technological innovation plays a major part in the treatment and cure of chronic diseases. The continuous introduction of technology in the management of the osteoarthritis have improved the well-being of patients suffering from the incurable diseases. Technology In Osteoarthritis Treatment Many technologies have come up that have been used to treat the different symptoms of […]

What Are the Treatments of Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a long-term chronic disease with no cure. The symptoms of the disease, however, can be managed to enable the person to live a normal life. The long-term management includes Medical attention to alleviate the pain and other symptoms of Osteoarthritis, practising, among others. The type of treatment of Osteoarthritis preferred depends on the […]

The Distinctive Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Imagine if all the diseases had no signs and symptoms at all. Just waking up one day and find part of your body does move or when it moves you feel a lot of pain. Symptoms provide the ability of the early evidence of one having a disease or a medical condition. Some diseases have […]

Causes And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune ailment or disorder. Most doctors are not sure of what the primary causes of this inbuilt attack of the immune system. Nevertheless, there are some factors, which have been identified as contributing to it. Factors that contributes to RA Genetic Factors: Some genes play a minimal function in the growth […]

How is Osteoarthritis Diagnosis Made?

Even with the existence of symptoms associated with Osteoarthritis, the physician has to exam the patient very well to determine if he/she has Osteoarthritis.  A good Osteoarthritis Diagnosis consists of utilising a combination of physical, lab and historical assessment of the patient. Historical And Symptoms Assessment Of The Patients The information that the physician will […]