Most of the work we do is through the help of our shoulders. We type, lift things, rest, etc. Shoulders are one of the organs which work the most in our regular life. There are a lot of reasons that can cause pain in your shoulder. Finding the fundamental cause of it is hard. Since usually, there are a lot of underlying conditions of which an individual is unaware.
Suppose there is a pain in your upper arm that gets worse when it lifts. Then it can be related to the rotator cuff. It is a common condition which most of us suffer. Physiotherapy in Edmonton has a variety of treatments, such as acupuncture which can resolve this issue. Acupuncture needles are used to release tense muscles, chronic pain, and trigger points.
Reasons for the pain
It is essential to determine the causes of pain. There are instances where you would know the exact cause of pain, such as falling. Clumsy humans can relate to it. Every so often, the pain arises when an individual is performing a regiorous activity such as gardening. Physiotherapy clinics in Edmonton use shockwave therapy
to determine the cause if an individual can not.
Individuals with underlying conditions such as diabeties are at high risk. Older people with heart conditions are also at risk of getting rotator cuff-related pain. The shoulder is a moveable joint. It assists in body stability and giving individuals the strength to perform everyday tasks.
Exploring treatment options
The first part of getting your treatment started is through a scan. Most of the time, scans don’t show the exact issue. But going for a scan helps in identifying the underlying problems which might be making the pain worse. The physiotherapist will guide based on the results. Physiotherapy clinics in Edmonton discuss treatment options with their patients.
If the issue cannot be resolved by physiotherapy, the patient will be advised to get surgery. However, it is only proposed in extreme cases as the recovery time is three months after surgery. Most patients can not take leave for such a long period.
Will physical therapy resolve it?
Physiotherapy is the most common treatment for shoulder pain. There are various reasons for it. One of the main ones is a much more effective recovery. Compared to surgery which requires more extended rest but quick recovery. Physiotherapy in Edmonton uses advanced programs which result in a strengthened shoulder and a reduced amount of pain.
If the problem persists then, individuals can get a painkiller injected. It is a short-term solution as it only snubs the pain. Patients should work on strengthening their shoulders in the long term.
Physiotherapy clinics in Edmonton recommend icing the pain by; taking an ice bag, wrapping them in a towel, and putting them on your shoulder for 5-10 minutes. If it works then, patients can repeat the process until the pain is relieved.