VelaShape – Find Out the Facts About Velashape!

Now the truth can be told about Velashape. With so many anti-cellulite technologies hitting the market — Velasmooth, Lipodissolve, Smart Lipo, and now Velshape — it can be a little confusing for the general public. With around 80% of women suffering from some form of cellulite, people are very interested in answers. how do i get rid of it I’m on a budget, what’s the most cost-effective way to do this? How do I know if it’s safe? What are the long-term effects? Will Velashape work for me? Or are there other cheaper and safer alternatives?

How Velashape works

A small handheld device attached to a machine that looks a bit like a vacuum cleaner with a long cord is used by the doctor and attached to problem areas on your body. Using a combination of bipolar radio frequency and optical energy, the problem area is heated, effectively dissolving and removing the underlying fat.

What are the pros and cons of using Velashape? And are there alternatives?

Velashape is a non-invasive, non-surgical technique with no side effects and a very short recovery time. The downside to using Velashape is the cost and the need for repeated sessions. Another disadvantage is that Velashape is not a panacea. Also, the folks at Velashape Clinics will encourage you to eat well, exercise well: all things you should be doing anyway, and things that, if done well, will get rid of your cellulite anyway.

Cellulite can be controlled with diet and exercise. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fats and salts. Drink plenty of water every day. Try not to sit: take the stairs if you can. Walk for at least 30 minutes every day. Try squats and leg raises. Get to know the power of nutrition: You will be amazed at what you can achieve just by changing your diet! There are alternatives to Velashape – cheaper, faster and more natural methods.

Thanks to Kirk Somers


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