Widely regarded as the oldest form of health care in the world, Ayurveda is an intricate holistic medical system, lifestyle and philosophy that originated in India and Sri Lanka some 5,000 to 7,000 years ago.
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word made up of two different words – Ayu and Veda, the literal translation of which is knowledge of life. Ayurveda is part of the Atharva Veda, one of the four Vedas in Hindu philosophy, and is also known as the Asthanga Veda.
Some people may be concerned that in order to embrace the principles of Ayurveda you have to become religious, but that is not the case.
The principles of Ayurveda are an invaluable link in understanding a naturally healthy life in detail.
Every medical science has some basic principles upon which the structure of the science is built and fabricated. The principles of Ayurveda are based on nature and the Vedic philosophy of healthy living and are very easy to understand.
Following the principles of Ayurveda leads to a deep understanding of the inner ability to have a healthy body, mind and spirit. The basic principles of Ayurveda state that the world of matter arises from an underlying non-material field known as consciousness.
Ayurveda sees everything in the universe, including human beings, as being composed of five basic elements: space, air, fire, water and earth. Every part of the body, no matter how tiny, is an inseparable combination of these principles.
The principles of Ayurveda are based on the concept of tridosha or the system of the three doshas: vata, pitta and kapha. Proper understanding of Tridosha is the basis of Ayurveda knowledge.
Dosha types are the classifications used in the practice and study of Ayurveda to categorize the primary mind-body personalities. Dosha means “that which changes”.
While every human being has aspects of each dosha in their constitution, Ayurveda determines the influence of each on a numerical scale. Each person has a different mix of doshas; usually one dosha is predominant and another is secondary.
In general, vata is the controlling dosha, pitta is the changing dosha, and kapha is the producing dosha.
Discovering your dosha is the first and most important step you can take in your personal health program. We need to determine our dosha, or a combination of doshas, to determine what foods, beverages, and lifestyle patterns best suit our constitution.
The best way to pinpoint your dosha is to consult an Ayurvedic doctor, but there are other, easier ways to get a good idea of what dosha you are.
First, you could use one of many free online dosha tests. Second, you could use PC software like the Ayurveda Almanac, which provides a much more thorough assessment with dietary recommendations and provides you with a means of spotting the early signs of many diseases.
Ayurvedic medicine offers a clear, concise, coherent regimen to improve mind and body health in a natural, holistic way. Ayurvedic texts emphasize ahara (proper diet) as crucial in promoting health and happiness.
Diagnosis according to Ayurveda consists of finding out the root cause of a disease and diseases reflect the predominant dosha that produces them.
Negative health can arise from an imbalance in the three doshas – and the science of Ayurveda is used to restore this essential harmony. Every herb, food, drink and even environment contains dosha properties, so in Ayurveda the opposite is used to balance a person.
But for more subtle imbalances, the principles of Ayurveda can help you respond in simple ways to restore balance sooner rather than later.
Ayurveda is a journey to perfect health, peace of mind and ultimately enlightenment and is all about making healthy choices in daily life. It is a science that teaches you how to live in true and natural balance.
Ayurveda is one of many alternative medicines used today. Ayurveda is viewed as a complete, holistic way of life and not just as a medical science. In fact, Ayurveda is the healing side of Yoga and Yoga is the spiritual side of Ayurveda. It must be emphasized that Ayurveda is not a substitute for Western allopathic medicine. Ayurveda is not only a medical system, but also a way of healthy living.
Thanks to Mark Farrar