Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain With Ayurveda

Dr. Bhanu Sharma | February 02, 2021

Rheumatoid arthritis is nothing more than joint pain caused by inflammation.

In Ayurveda, inflammatory joints are caused by the accumulation of ama (toxins) in the joints. This happens over a long period of time and weakens the joints.

The pain can occur in multiple joints in the body and can also cause stiffness.

Gone are the days when arthritis was seen in people over the age of 60. Now more and more people in their thirties are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

Younger people come to me complaining of joint pain and movement disorders. Sometimes this condition is made worse by seasonal changes such as winter.

More and more younger people over 30 are complaining of weakened bones and joints that have been injured or cause discomfort.

Let me be frank with you, the main reason for this is the imbalanced lifestyle that is led by people. The diet, the level of activity and not forgetting the level of stress people take have contributed immensely to this. In Ayurveda we call it an unbalanced life. The three doshas in the body are in an imbalance, which increases body toxins and inflames the joints.

Let’s take a look at the remedies and steps that can help you better manage rheumatoid arthritis.

Top Tips for Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

  1. diet

It is well known that many diseases begin in the intestine. You can judge for yourself that many of your health conditions are dietary. Either your diet is bad or your eating habits are not helping you. Diet itself is also the main culprit in arthritis. It causes inflammation in your body and, as a result, can make your joint pain and other related symptoms worse.

You should eat a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods and spices. Some of these foods are ginger, turmeric, berries, green leafy vegetables, etc.

  1. Ayurvedic herbs and treatment

Daily relief from arthritis symptoms is an ongoing process.

According to Ayurveda, in order to remove the toxins, you need to balance the doshas in the body. The removal of toxins leads to a reduction in inflammation, swelling, pain, and stiffness.

One such herbal solution that you can use is this Pirant tablet. It helps relieve acute and chronic joint inflammation. It also helps relax muscles and reduce inflammatory swelling in arthralgic joints. The important part is that it strengthens the synovial membrane and cartilage tissue of the joint.

If you want an external application, you can use the Pirant oil which can be applied directly to the affected joints. It is recommended to use Pirant Oil in addition to Pirant tablets to reduce toxins and inflammation in the body. This oil helps prevent sclerotic changes in the joints, promotes the excretion of urate from the joints.

In addition, you can use Organic curcumin for daily consumption that will greatly help you reduce pain and inflammation.

3rdDealing with stress

There is research showing that rheumatoid arthritis symptoms can increase with stress. An increase in stress can cause inflammation in the body to increase, leading to joint pain and discomfort. So stress management techniques like meditation and yoga can be very helpful.

Also read: Transcendental meditation to relieve stress

To sum up

As with any other condition, you can easily manage rheumatoid arthritis symptoms by following a lifestyle that focuses on eating foods that do not make your painful condition worse and reduce inflammation in your body. You should consume foods that are suitable for your prakriti and eliminate those that are not. Additionally, taking certain herbal supplements can help you in the long run by removing the toxins from your body. And don’t forget that stress is also a major factor that can trigger your symptoms. So improving your overall lifestyle with stress management can really help you a lot.

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