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Perfect Wellness – Dispite Your Failed New Year’s Resolutions

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Do you want to know why most of you have already given up on your New Year’s resolutions? That’s because you haven’t embraced one of the most critical and elementary concepts for improving your well-being. I have to warn you, this isn’t very exciting. It’s not very sexy. In fact, most people would find this advice downright boring! So if you want something that will really float your boat, pump you up, hype and jazz you up to achieve your dream of perfect health, then head to one of these self-help gurus to get your false hope meant to Rock of reality to be destroyed on the ground. However, if you’re really interested in a winning formula that will help you reach your fitness, nutrition, and stress management goals, then I have some solid advice for you. Are you ready? Sit down? Okay, here we go… embrace moderation.

Yes that’s it! I told you it wasn’t very exciting, but when it comes to any strategy that can lead to lifelong wellness, accepting moderation is undoubtedly the most important concept to implement. The main problem for most people is their approach to wellness. Many people decide at the beginning of the year to rid themselves of their previous bad habits and sloppy practices. Many people decide to start a fitness program by going to the gym at 4:00 am for a two-hour workout. This is followed by the transition from a high-meat and high-fat diet to a 100% vegan raw food diet. And heck, we might as well do some deep spiritual meditation practices twice a day for at least a few hours to make sure you’re enlightened within a few weeks too. recipe for success? I do not think so! This fantasy will end the second her fist bangs on the alarm clock that goes off at 4:00 am. Well, there’s always next year!

I know that’s an extreme example, but the truth is it’s not that far off. Many people start the new year with really good intentions. The problem is that they’re usually trying to erase years, if not decades, of abuse and decline. Many people genuinely believe that they can get in shape in just a few weeks, and rarely do they think of anything they can hold on to for the rest of their lives. We all want that quick fix, and the thought of spending a lifetime kicking your butt eating sticks and leaves and sitting on the right hand of God is just unrealistic.

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This is where moderation comes into play. Moderation in our fitness goals means that we are just beginning to set sensible and, most importantly, achievable goals. For example, a beginner fitness program might start with walking 15 minutes a day, 3 times a week. Eating in moderation means that we start simply eating smaller portions. The truth is that at the end of the day, if your calorie burn is higher than your calorie burn, you will gain weight no matter what you eat. Moderation in coping with stress means we might start by just sitting still and spending 10 minutes each day experiencing gratitude for all the positive things in our lives. Understand? Make an honest assessment of what you CAN do, and then just start gently building from there.

Being sensible, setting realistic and achievable goals, being kind and patient with ourselves is really the way to success. Just keep this one keyword in mind when you’re tempted to get carried away…moderation.

Thanks to Rodger Ruge

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