An Overview on Physical Fitness and Its Components

Physical fitness can be defined simply as a general state of good physical health. Despite an age, it can be described as a condition that significantly helps an individual look or feel better, both mentally and physically. In fact, in the simplest sense, it’s very similar to that of fine tuning or an engine. Just as fine tuning contributes to the proper functioning of an engine, good physical fitness contributes to the proper functioning of a human body. Therefore, it is very important for the human body to stay physically fit.

A healthy and physically fit body runs as it should. It helps in maintaining muscle strength, body structure and overall function of different parts of the body. It also helps with weight management and even contributes to healthy joints and bones. A body that is not physically fit can simply be likened to a machine that is kept idle. Just as immobility causes machines to rust, the same rule applies to the human body. If we look at the current scenario today, the Japanese are considered to be the most physically fit people in the world. From a young age, the children of Japan are trained in physical fitness and the result is absolutely fabulous. So if getting off the couch now seems like a major accomplishment, then this could be an important signal for you to consider the importance of physical fitness and look for different ways to improve it.

For many, physical fitness is all about regular exercise, but there are many other components of physical fitness that need to be properly maintained. While exercise is an extremely important part of fitness, diet and the environment are other few elements that also play a significant role. Apart from all these, there are some of the main physical fitness components that are mainly used in gyms nowadays to measure the fitness of a body such as:

  • cardiovascular endurance – It is the ability of the heart and lungs to work simultaneously, providing the body with much-needed oxygen and fuel during sustained workloads.
  • muscle strength – It’s the amount of force a muscle can generate. The push-up test is one of the most common muscle strength tests.
  • muscular endurance – It is generally defined as the ability of muscles to perform a task continuously and without fatigue. Biking and elliptical trainers are some exercises that can be very effective for measuring muscular endurance.
  • Flexibility – It is an ability to move the joint, or any group of joints, beyond the normal range of motion. In fact, the more flexible the body, the more physical fitness he or she can enjoy. The sit and reach test is most commonly used to test flexibility.
  • body composition – It can be defined as the percentage of body fat a person has compared to their total body mass. This can easily be calculated by underwater weighing or by bioelectrical impedance.

These five main components of physical fitness actually represent how healthy and fit the body is as a whole. As a person goes through different sets of tests, they get information on the specific areas they may need to work on. Therefore, it is always wise to take care of any of the above fitness components as it can have a positive impact on body composition, leading to additional body fat loss and a great, physically fit physique.

Thanks to Manoj Tiwari


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