MaPomDen health And Diet Blog
The Complementary Alternative Medicine, Natural Health And Diets Blog

Unani Medicine

meaning and origin Unani means medicine, which is a symbol of life. The name derives from the Greek word "Ionian". "Tibb" means the knowledge of the states of the human body in health and declining health, or in other words, medicine.…

Best Kooko Medicine in Ghana

Whenever someone is looking for the best kooko medicine in ghana, then it’s quite obvious he/she is in distress and suffering from piles. This condition is scary and very devastating especially when noticed for the first time

What Do Budgies Eat?

Parakeets (more specifically known as budgerigars) are like most other birds, they enjoy a varied diet rather than just the same old seed day after day. So what do you feed your little feathered friends? Budgies are vegetarians, so they…

Is Baldness A Disease?

Over the ages, baldness has been considered a disease. Lately, it has also been followed as a fashion. However, greater numbers of people still feel that a head covered by hair is always more attractive than a bald one. Every month, hair…

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