Balanced nutrition
We are what we eat.
A healthy and balanced diet consisting of high-fiber vegetables, protein, omega-3-rich fats, whole grain products, fruit and around 2.5 liters of water a day is of course important for our well-being.
But our food intake is half the story. Our digestive system’s absorption of the essential minerals, vitamins and all the good nutrients from our diet must be coupled with our body’s ability to eliminate the by-products of our diet.
A high-fiber, low-carb, low-calorie, Atkins, high-protein, low-fat, detox, weight-loss, vegetarian, 5-day-fiber, slimming, low-cholesterol diet alone would be incomplete for maintaining good health without the efficiency of eliminating toxins and waste through a healthy colon.
Modern diet and lifestyle can play a large part in disrupting the natural elimination process and affecting our health.
Junk food, too much sugar and salt, eating red meat, and foods low in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to a high susceptibility to disease.
Insufficient (for some of us, none) exercise, irregular meal times, and stress (a serious silent killer) increase our susceptibility to ailments, particularly digestive disorders.
Add in a dysfunctional waste disposal system that can interfere with the absorption of nutrients from our diet and cause waste and harmful toxins to be retained in our bodies, and we have a recipe for ill health.
Elimination of food waste.
Putrefactive food in our gut can increase the risk of disease. It must be eliminated. The longer this disintegrating mass remains in our small and large intestines, the greater the risk of contracting diseases that can be potentially life-threatening.
Disturbingly, the following non-exhaustive list of conditions is believed to be related to poor functioning of the colon or colon. These include colon cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers in the lining of the digestive tract, appendicitis, blood poisoning – toxins are reabsorbed into our bloodstream because they cannot be cleared through the colon – constipation, diarrhea, bad breath, gas, body odor, parasitic infestations, indigestion, headaches, Back pain, unhealthy skin, fatigue, irritability, bloating, enlarged waist and obesity.
It is reported that millions of people in the western world suffer from diseases of the digestive tract.
The importance of the large intestine.
The large intestine, also called the large intestine or large intestine, consists of the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid sigmoid colon, and rectum. It plays an essential role in the digestive system.
The large intestine is responsible for removing waste and toxins from the body, absorbing important nutrients from our diet and maintaining our electrolyte balance.
A dysfunctional colon, unable to excrete stagnant, trapped, decomposing matter is very likely the causative factor in the above diseases.
It has been said that an unhealthy colon triggers the death cycle.
Health conscious individuals would certainly benefit greatly from making sure their colons are healthy and functioning.
Weight Loss and the Colon.
When you consider that a colon that cannot be emptied properly can contain putrefactive contents weighing 5 to 8 times its approximate normal 2 kg and expanding its diameter to 8 to 10 times its normal 5 cm the link between obesity and a blocked colon becomes apparent.
Eliminating the unwanted, clogged, decaying fecal mass restores the colon’s natural functions and could help reduce weight and waist size.
As the absorption of nutrients begins again through a clean, patent, and healthy colon, increased amounts of energy, more efficiently extracted from our balanced diet, can lead to weight loss.
Although paying attention to our diet and good bowel function can be enough to induce weight loss, it must also be said that enjoying life as a healthy person is further enhanced by proactive weight management through exercise whenever possible.
Thanks to G. A Allen