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Common Health Benefits of Clapping That Can Change Your Life Leading to a Healthy Future

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Most people today would be surprised to realize that clapping or applauding your hands is a good exercise for the body that helps stimulate the organs, leading to proper functioning. Therefore, scientific research has proved the fact that little babies who have a habit of gossiping grow up with smart minds. This physical movement is the direct key to a joyful and stress-free life, since slapping the palms is a therapy associated with celebration and achievement, and thus plays a major role in healing depression, high blood pressure, occasional headaches and problems like hair plays autumn. Gossiping in the morning hours of the day, e.g. B. praying at the holy places or singing songs, helps to activate a large part of the brain, which gradually improves health. It is also a useful drug for curing pains like arthritis or any other form of ailments in the different parts of the body.

Doctors have suggested putting some coconut or palm oil on both hands to stimulate the pressure points in the fingers and make them active to create waves of energy in the body. Clapping both hands helps increase blood flow to the veins and arteries and is extremely beneficial for people with cholesterol problems. Also, children who tend to gossip every day at school are likely to have bright academic prospects because they make fewer spelling mistakes than others and increase concentration. This exercise also helps to improve digestion and make the body immune to disease, which allows one to stay fit and healthy throughout life.

In modern times, the residential areas have set up amusement parks where people can gather for exercises and morning walks. Some of them go there to gossip as a routine thing to have positive effects on body and mind. A few minutes of clapping can help increase hormone secretion and keep the heart healthy by clearing any blockages in blood vessels and other ducts. Patients suffering from negative pressure can also raise their hands and clap to recover faster. It is also extremely effective for strengthening the nervous system, hence those who carve out some time from their hectic schedule of daily gossiping feel fresh and active throughout the day. It also acts as a medicine in lowering blood sugar levels as well as curing certain mental illnesses like insomnia, protecting the body from infections like the common cold and lung problems like asthma and eye defects. Biologically, the hands and palms are the settlements for reflex points that thereby ensure the healing response of the entire body system Health benefits of clapping as a yoga exercise countless times leads to healthy body development for people of all ages.

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Thanks to Tapu Goswami

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