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ILD – Interstitial Lung Disease

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Interstitial lung disease (ILD) is a disease in which scar tissue forms in the interstitium occurs, the interstitial space between the air bags of the lungs (alveoli). The ILD is also known as interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis, or interstitial fibrosis.

When ILD occurs due to Asbestex position, it is called asbestosis. There are indications that the exposure to erionite (a mineral similar to asbestos) suggests that can also be caused. Its main symptoms are dyspnea and dry cough.
The process associated with interstitial pulmonary disease begins when the lung tissue is damaged and ignites the walls of the alveoli. Sometimes this swelling will heal, but if it does not lead to scarring (fibrosis) in the space between the air bags. This, in turn, makes the lungs stiff and prevents them from properly carrying oxygen. The level of injury and discomfort associated with ILD depends on the amount of scars.

Causes of interstitial pulmonary disease

There are over 100 known causes of interstitial pulmonary disease. These include:

  • asbestos exposure
  • infections
  • drug effects
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Sarcoidosis (granulomas that can attack the lungs)
  • Radiation (cancer treatment)
  • Connective tissue disorders / collagen (rheumatoid arthritis, systemic sclerosis, etc.)
  • Genetics (this is rare)
  • Allergic reactions (an example is the “Farmer lung”, a reaction to moldy hay)
  • ILD due to exposure to asbestos (asbestosis)

Asbestosis is the name used for an interstitial pulmonary disease caused by asbestos. In contrast to malignant mesothelioma, asbestosis of cancer is not a form. However, this can lead to disability and death, and even if this is not the case, some patients later develop mesothelioma and die.

The asbestosis and other related to asbestosis occur because, unlike most substances, asbestos fibers are small enough to escape the natural filtration system of the lungs. Once this happens, they can reach the inner areas of the lung and integrate into the intermediate and other areas. The asbestos diseases are usually affecting people who have worked for long periods in professions where asbestos was used, and the families (due to the secondary asbestex position).

Symptoms and diagnosis

Often the first symptom of interstitial pulmonary disease is dyspnoea during the workout. The dry cough is another common symptom. Both symptoms are associated with different types of ILD and may be mild or severe. Also, various forms of ILD appear in the same manner as X-rays have taken to the type of ILD to identify a patient. In the absence of a complete history of patients, it may be difficult for clinicians to identify the cause of interstitial pulmonary disease.

The following tests may be performed by your doctor to confirm or rule out the ILD:

  • blood sample
  • Pulmonary function tests
  • Chest radiographs
  • CT
  • bronchoscopy
  • bronchial lavage
  • lung biopsy

These tests help physicians to determine if you have lung damage and identify the cause. Some results, such as the presence of plaque in the membranes in the lungs (pleural plaques) or thickening of the same membranes (pleural thickening), may suggest the doctor that your lungs have been damaged by asbestexposition without you actually confirming them have a connection with asbestos -Illness. Other results, namely bleaching of lung tissue, are indicators of asbestosis.

Treatment of ILD

The rate at which a case of interstitial pulmonary disease progression is unpredictable, but as is the case, the affected lung tissue becomes thicker, scars and causing trouble breathing. Some forms of ILD can be treated with medicines (for inflammation) but to relieve breathlessness, oxygen is often needed. Because interstitial pulmonary disease is one of the causes of pleural effusion, the treatment can also include pleural aspiration of excess fluid collection . By working closely with your doctor, you should be able to determine which treatments are best suited to your case.

Interstitial lung disease and mesothelioma

Because asbestosis and malignant mesothelioma are caused by asbestos, some people develop both conditions. Asbestosis, mesothelioma occurs when asbestos fibers enter the pulmonary filtration system and become integrated into the pulmonary tissue. What distinguishes mesothelioma asbestosis is the growth of cancer tumors. Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer, once diagnosed, worsening rapidly and almost always in death. Since there is no cure against the disease, mesothelioma treatment mainly focuses on relieving pain with mesothelioma and other unpleasant symptoms.

There are three types of mesothelioma:

Pleural mesothelioma (mesothelioma surrounding the membrane in the lung)
Peritoneal mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the lining of the abdomen)
Pericardial Mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the membrane surrounds the heart)
Mesothelioma is also classified according to the cell type.

There are three types of mesothelial cells: epithelioid mesothelioma cells, sarcomatoid mesothelioma and two-phase mesothelioma cells.

If you or a loved one has a disease related to asbestos, contact a mesothelioma attorney for more information about your rights and the possibility of compensation.

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