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Top 5 Healthy Food Guidelines For Pregnant Women

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Good nutrition during pregnancy is important as it affects the health of both mother and child. The baby needs an adequate supply of nutrients to develop properly. In addition, the body of an expectant woman needs energy to deal with the discomforts of pregnancy. Therefore, meals should consist of a variety of foods loaded with proteins as well as starchy foods.

1. Adopt a balanced diet

With a few exceptions, you can continue to eat normally during pregnancy. Your diet should include a balance of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy, and lean meats. Women are afraid of gaining weight during pregnancy. Therefore, they do not eat fats. You can eat fats in limited quantities. Constipation is a common problem in pregnancy. Increasing your fiber intake can alleviate the problem of constipation.

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2. Eat frequent meals and treats

A healthy eating plan should consist of frequent meals and treats. This can be a handful of nuts, a slice of fruit or a glass of freshly made juice. In the early stages, women suffer from morning sickness and as they enter the third trimester, they experience hyperacidity and heartburn. The best solution is to eat small, frequent meals. Smaller meals are easier to digest and can be good for women who suffer from morning sickness and acidosis. It keeps the stomach full. It also keeps track of the number of calories you consume to help you maintain a healthy weight. Other snacks you can eat are hummus with bread, low-fat yogurt, salads, raisins, ham, and baby carrots.

3. Avoid certain foods

Your body is more prone to foodborne illnesses during pregnancy. Eating the wrong foods can lead to serious health problems ranging from indigestion to miscarriage. Pregnant women are advised to avoid sushi, raw eggs, tilefish, and swordfish. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and coffee. Try to avoid soft cheeses unless they are made from unpasteurized milk. Skip the hot dogs and charcuterie for a while.

4. Get more iron and folic acid

Iron and folic acid are among the most important nutrients when wearing. Doctors usually prescribe vitamin supplements to compensate for vitamin deficiencies, but it’s always better to get nutrients and vitamins in their natural form. Dietary iron prevents anemia in pregnant women. Leafy greens, lean meats, peaches, kidney beans, raisins, and apples are good dietary sources of iron.

Folic acid prevents birth defects in the developing fetus. Foods high in folate include mustard, avocado, oranges, strawberries, kidney beans, black-eyed peas, collards, spinach, and broccoli. Many cereals are fortified with folic acid and are safe for consumption during pregnancy.

5. Drink plenty of water

In addition to a healthy and balanced diet, you should drink plenty of water. Fluids help flush out toxins. It also prevents dehydration. It keeps skin fresh and supple and keeps problems like dry skin at bay.

The food you eat is your baby’s main source of nourishment. So watch what you put in your mouth.

Thanks to Lambodar Sahu

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