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Treating Fibroids – Foods – What Not to Eat

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What we don’t know is that the main reasons our fibroids grow are the food we eat and the excess estrogen finding its way into our internal bodies. Research has shown that women from Afro-Caribbean and Asian cultures suffer from larger fibroids than women from Caucasian cultures. Looking at the different diets of these races, I have found that the main reason for the large difference in the number of females in African, Caribbean and Asian cultures is that we eat a lot of animal foods – far more than those in the caucasian culture. Why is this?

For the African and Asian cultures, their diet usually consists of white rice, potatoes and animal meat i.e. chicken, red meat and fish. Most of the time chickens – and chickens that aren’t organic – are injected with antibodies/pesticides to make them bigger so they can sell faster and this helps toxins become embedded in the internal body causing the fibroids to spread feed on it and fibroids grow larger.

One of the main benefits of what we eat is that we can learn so much about our bodies and the foods we eat that we don’t know are harming us internally. I can assure you that chicken is one of the main reasons for our diseases. Less chicken is better for us, as much as we may find it delicious—but seriously, the consequences of eating too much chicken aren’t worth thinking about. So if you reduce the amount of chicken you eat, you’re helping to keep your fibroids from getting bigger. The more organic food you consume the better it is for all of us as the pesticides are the cause of many diseases and we need to find an alternative way to keep the toxins out of our system. If chicken is a must in your diet, expensive as it is, eat organic chicken instead of mainstream chicken.

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So, going organic is one of the alternatives to support your internal body system and reduce toxins in your body. Aside from chicken, you also need to be aware of the amount of white produce you eat. White products are white bread, potatoes, pasta, also dairy products, so cheese, milk – and to balance these products, it is important that you eat whole grain bread, brown rice, brown pasta, soy products instead of dairy products and also pay attention to sugar intake. You must be thinking that you need to change a lot to keep your fibroids in check. I thought the same thing when I started.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s difficult at first to stop eating certain foods, I’ve experienced it and I know it. I love my food and never thought I could live without red meat, chicken, baked potatoes, milk, sugar and so many other items I could do without. It’s knowing what damage has been done and will continue to affect us internally unless we change our eating habits, and as I was on my way to improving my body system I realized I didn’t eat like that anymore would like I used to.

Thanks to Dee Francis

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